Chapter 17- Confuse

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Liam P.O.V.

It's been 2 weeks. 2 weeks of pure hell. After my break up with Sophia and I been a total mess. I’ve been distant from everyone and everything. Everyone trying to cheer me up but it no use, I’m broken and hurt. It wasn’t long since the media found out about my break up with Sophia and my twitter been blowing up since. Every gossip show has my story with Sophia.

"Liam open the door let go out have some fun" Niall said knocking on my bedroom door.

"Get out, leave me alone" I said covering my face with my sheets.

"You can be trap here forever we have work to do this is not good for you come on open up'' Louis said

To this day i won’t understand how they have the keys to my flat. I got up to the door an open it.

"All of you just get out, leave me the f*ck alone, don’t you understand I don’t want to be bother" I snapped and they both just stood there motionless.

"We were just trying to help don’t need to snap" Niall said

"Well I don’t need your help I’m perfectly fine"

"Mate, I understand your hurting but don’t just push us away we understand what you going through"

"Have you caught your f*cking girlfriend cheating on you with some dude on your birthday, no of course you haven’t so you don’t know what I’m going through" I snapped at Louis

"Fine, fine you stay your bitter self" Louis said while walking out my room but stopping before reaching the door. "And if you see the real Liam around here tell him to come back because this new one suck ass" He said and left the room leaving me alone with the Irish boy.

"You too gonna yell at me know" I ask Niall

"Oh no I just came in for some sugar but it seem like you are all out" He said and I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. He soon made his way to the door but also stopping before fully leaving. "But seriously come back we don’t like the new you Liam" He said. "Plus the Liam I love always have sugar for me tea'' He said and left closing the door behind him.

I took a shower and change into some gray sweats and a rolling stone t-shirt, I slip on my white converse and put my Raybans on before heading out the door. I don’t know where I was going but I didn’t want to stay in, I just hope the fan's won’t recognize me but I didn’t put too much effort in a costume to go out.

I couldn't take the stress I being home, being bother with the whole break up so I decided to go for a quick run in the park. I plug my headphones and hit shuffle on my iTunes and the first song that played was 'Breathing by Jason Derulo. 'Just great but I didn't bother to change it.

I've been running for about half an hour until I caught sight of a brunette girl running ahead of me. I speed up my running to be able to catch up to her. Half of me was hoping it was her and the other half didn't. Half of me hated her for what she did but half of me wanted to see her, talk to her, ask her why she didn't love me as much as I did.

"SOPHIA" I yelled in hope she will hear me but she didn't turn back. "SOPHIA" I yelled back but finally catching up to her. I grab her by her wrist and turned her around.

"Oh I'm sorry you’re not her, sorry love" I said trying to hide my face full of embarrassment.

"OH MY GOD YOU YOU’RE...LIAM PAYNE, OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS" said the girl that look like she was going to pass out any second.

"Yes, yes please I'll do anything just don't scream my name again" I said praying no other fan heard her scream my name.

"OMG" she said in a lower voice. "Can I have a picture please that's all I ask for" she said with a smile probably bigger than her face. "Oh and a follow on twitter and I swear that's it" she finally said and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now