Chapter 2- This Is Us Red Carpet

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Carol P.O.V.

While walking away I start to whisper-yell "OMGs" more than a thousands of times. When we were at least two blocks away, Mary & I start to scream like a crazy fan girls. We earn some weird stares from a couple of people, but we didn't stop. "Can You Believe It?!' I scream.


"OMG! Your Hand!" I said.

"What about it?" she asks, while looking down at her right hand.

"Hellooooo he touch it!" I scream. We started hugging and jumping up and down.

We totally forgot about work and how late we are going to be. Suddenly we hear bells, we stop jumping to look around for what is making the noise. It was Mary's cell phone; it's a text from one of her coworker, Helena.

"Where are you? The boss is looking for you!! Hurry Up!" Mary reads out loud scared.

We start to walk faster now. We got to my job first cause Mary's job is around the corner. We say our goodbyes while fangirling still.

Zayn P.O.V.

I came out of the bedroom in less than you can say "Vats Zappening?!" but in really slow motion, of course.

When we came out the Hotel, there was a bigger crown of fans waiting for us to come out. I ask Niall jokily, "Don't they have school?!" He just starts to laugh as always and said "It looks like they are skipping, for us, they are so dedicated!" while smirking.

Paul tells us to run to the car because the fans are starting to get crazy. So we start to sign something, taking pictures and waving to the fan. Paul is only giving us, his annoying look.

We get into the car after 10 mins. In the car on our way to the interview, Harry starts to tell us his weird boring stories and taking picture so he can post it on Instagram. Niall and Louis are laughing at some picture on Louis's phone. Liam is on Twitter. & I start to text Perrie.

"Hey babe, how you doing?"

I wait a while for her respond; I guess she is busy now with her friends or something. I go to Twitter and I see the trends about my engagement with Perrie. "Damn!" I say to myself. "I got really great fast Fans"

When we got to the interview, we say 'Hi' to the lady that is going to ask us question, she tell us to follow her and sit down on the couch that was in the left side of the room. & she starts to ask random question.

After a while she asks the question, "Congratulation Zayn, I heard you engage now. How do you feel about it?"

I awkwardly say "It's cool & I'm happy about it."

Mary P.O.V.

When I got to my job, I directly went to my boss, Mr. Tyler (Joe); he imminently gave me his annoying stare. He's stare is so creepy.

"Why are you late, Mary?!" Joe is the type of person who would get mad for every little thing. "Aren't you supposed to come in at 9:00? & you know what time it is?" He looks at me to answer.

"its 9:10" I whisper, I clear my throat before I speak again "You see what happen that was when I was on-"

"Don't want to hear it, its 9:10!!! Stop with the excuses!" he scream it. "Because you're late, I'm taking off $10 off your salary. So every time you're late, you get money off your check. Do you understand?!"

"What?!" I roll my eyes "Yes!"

"Good! Now go clean the tables"

The day was going pretty fast, so it was good!

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now