Chapter 33- Epic Christmas pt.1

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Harry P.O.V

Before heading to NYC I need to head out to LA, I didn't tell no one about this causes that's how the B/W wanted it. I'm meeting up with some friends and plus Anne wanted me to go there. She said that even though Mary and I are 'supposedly dating,' she still kind of control the relationship. She said that we looking too perfect for each that we need some drama into it, if she only knew what really happens between us.

She said that I have to hang out with Kendall for at least 5 days, she said that Kendall sign a contract with her so I could help her get more supermodel famous. I have to pretend I'm cheating on Mary. I tried to talk Anne but she didn't give me the option. Also Mary doesn't know about this, Anne doesn't want her to know so it can look more real. But later tonight I might call to tell her about it so she can be prepare for the haters out there. Plus I'm not sure if I should tell her, since our relationship is fake. She wouldn't mind if I do this. She doesn't care, we just friends.

Walking out the airport, there's paps and fans ready to take picture of me, it's already dark out. I walk through the double doors and the flashing lights start. I stop for some fans or other would take the picture while I walk. And since the paparazzi are noisy and want to be in everyone business, they start to ask question about my relationship with Mary and my personal life.

"Hey Styles! Where's your girl?!"

"Do you love her?!"

"Is it all fake?!"

"Why she's not here with you?!"

"Did you and Mary broke up?!"

"How did you decided to date a fan?!"

"Do you think she's using you for fame?!"

"There's no more Larry Stylinson?!"

"Are One Direction breaking up?!"

"Is it true you're going solo?!"

I kept quiet as I make my way to the car and ignore every question cos really why would people think that. I don't get it.

As I got in the car I decide to say something. "Good Night Guys" I wave and close the passenger door. My bodyguard Toby, is driving. Toby is new and only works here in LA cos Anne wanted it like that.

While on the road I decide to text Mary to kill time since it's going to be probably a long way to Kendall's house.

'Hey M! What you doing?' I text and seconds later I receive a text back.

'Hi Mr. Bananas, just watching my new favorite show, you?'

'Mr. Banana? Jajaja' I text back 'Anyways, I'm in LA doing something for The B.W of Anne.' I send another 'By the way, what show you're watching?' I ask. Moments later she respond.

'DOCTOR WHO!!! I'm in love with the show, especially the doctor ;)' I don't know why but I feel something weird. Something I haven't felt in a long time. Is it Jealousy? But how?

'But you love me more ;)' I send and set my phone down. Toby tells me we are almost at her house. Great.

"We are here Mr. Styles" Toby tells me as he turns the car off. I nod and climes out.

"Toby, please call me Harry" I said and he smiles.

I ring up her flat. In the corner of my eye I see a pap hiding out. He sucks at hidding. Finally the door opens and Kendall flashes me a big smile. Here we go.

"Hi Harold come on in" She said. Harold. I don't even know you like that and you already calling me Harold. I like it better the way Mary says it. Wait what? Focus Harry.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now