Chapter 35- A Happy New Year

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Soo here's Chapter 35!!!

Sorry once again for taking long, school started and we were getting ready emotionally and physically...

Please Vote & Comment if you want :)


Liam P.O.V

I was sitting in the living room with both Nicola and Ruth watching who knows what on TV. I wasn't really paying attetion. Christmas was great until I over heard Nicola talking to another family member about me and Carol breakup. After that my mood just went down and I just wanted to be alone and in bed. I cant say I don't miss her because I do, I miss her like crazy. But I cant forget what she did.

I excuse myself and went upstairs to my old room. I lay in bed and pull my phone out. I been wanting to text her or even call her just to hear her voice. See how she's doing. But Austin already doing that. At the thought of then together I felt my face turn red from anger. I was too lost in thought that I didn't even realize my phone was ringing until I felt the vibration in my chest. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey mate what's up?!" It's Harry.

"Hi, nothing much" I said.

"Are you busy?" He asks

"Uh no why?"

"Oh great so you can talk. My family is throwing a little New Years party and all the boys would be coming down and I really wish you would come too and so does Mary" He said.

"Uh I don't know mate, I wanna spend time with my family." I lied. Well not completely. I do want to spend time with them as much as I can since in a couple of month's we would be going on tour but I didn't want to be around all these couples. Harry and Mary. Zayn and Perrie. Niall and Barbara. Louis and Eleanor.

"They can come too mate, it would be great please come down" He pled.

"Uh I will let you know but I'm not sure okay" I said and I heard him sigh.

"Okay well let me know" He said. "Well I have to go I think Mary is attempting to burn down my kitchen trying a new recipe" I chuckle before answering

"Okay mate see you soon, and go save your kitchen" I laugh.


"Bye" I hung up and toss the phone next to me. I sigh. Should I go? I mean I could be with the adults far away from the couple.

"Urg" I groan out loud.

"Well someone needs to cool off" I heard Nicola say. I sat up and saw her standing in front of the door.

"Uh hey" I simply said

"You been down since Christmas and its been 4 days now, what's wrong?" She asks closing the door and sitting next to me.

What Isn't wrong.

"Nothing" Lies.

"I know you Liam, you suck at hiding your emotions" True.

"I'm fine really" Lies

"Liam, you can talk to me" True

"Really I'm okay" Lies.

She gave me the look to stop messing and tell her whats wrong.


"I-I just miss her" I finally said.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now