Chapter 8- The Emotions

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Liam P.O.V

As soon as I hung up the phone I rushed to grabbed my jacket and the car keys of one the vans and left my hotel room. I don't understand why she was outside so late, alone and why out of all the people she would come to me for help. After a 10 min drive I reached the coffee spot, I parked and put my shades on. I knew it would be weird since it is 3 in the morning but I just didn't want anyone to recognize me. I enter the coffee shop and I immediately recognize her. She was also wearing shades. I was wondering why then it hit me, her boyfriend punched her, I still can't believe. No man should put her hand on women. I walked up to her and sat down she immediately looked up and a small smile appears on her face.

"Hi, how you feel love?" I asked

"I feel alright still a little soar but I'll get over it" she smiled with a tired look in her face. "Uh the reason I called you was because... I don't even know why am here actually I just didn't know what to do I...I feel alon- "she didn't finish what she was saying because she began to cry. I felt so bad for her. I didn't know what to I just brought her to my arms holding her tight. Then I realize, we were in a public place and people began to look at us. 

"Carol come on, let me drive you back to my hotel so we can talk about this" she nod and I let her go, walking out the cafe with her. I open the passenger sit and help her in the car, I then jump in the car and start pulling out the parkway. It was silent, I decide to turn on the radio the first song that plays was "A drop in the ocean "by Ron Pope. I love that song and clearly Carol did too because she started singing softly but I can still hear her. She has a lovely voice. The drive wasn't long and we reached the hotel. I park the car in the parking lot at the hotel and the lift to take her up to my room. Thank god there was no pap's I didn't want another rumor flowing around. When we got to the room we sat quietly in a couch, she was looking down and I was staring at her. Finally I broke the silence between us.

"Carol I have a question to ask you"

"Yeah tell me''

"Why are you with him? I mean a girl like you deserve someone so much better than that jerk you don't deserve what's happening to you" She looked up but seemed as if she didn't have the answer to my question, as if she was lost in her own thoughts. "What happened tonight? Does he always does that hit you like-"

"No, this was the first time he actually  put his hand on me, I don't know what got in him. He seemed to be so angry at me, I was scared I just wanted to get away but he hold me so tight" tears forming in her eyes, she looked away so I wouldn't see her cry but she couldn't hold it back and all the tears were streaming down her face. I move closer so I can be able to hug her while she cried, we stayed in silence for a while. I didn't want to ask any more questions I didn't want to see her cry any more.

"He never hit me but some times abused me verbally. We fight often and when he gets mad he knows how to get me scared and weak. He throws things around and calls me names like bitch, hoe, fat, ugly or even worst names. But when he cools off he apologizes to me and I forgive him. He promised me to be better and he has but tonight I don't know what got to him, I really don't know." She was still crying but has calmed down.

"You still shouldn't stay with him, if he hit you tonight he would do it again."

"I just need to talk to him, I want him to explain why he did what he did, there has to be an explanation." She got up and grabbed her pursed as if she was going to leave.

"Goodnight Liam thank you and I'm sorry to bother you" she said

"Where you going? Stay, is really late and I don't want you going out alone you can stay." She opened her mouth to refused but closed it and nods.

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