Chapter 43- Heart Made Up On You

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***Warning A Smut***

Carol P.O.V

Gemma and me stayed with Mary until she fell asleep. She been crying since she left the hospital. I swear next time I see that boy I'm going to rip everything. It was about two in the morning, and we was sitting in the couch with a cup of tea and a random show on. None of us was really tired but Gemma crashed eventually leaving me up. I threw a blanket on her and then I went upstairs to check up on Mary. Phew, she still sleeping. I went back down stairs and curled in the couch next to Gemma until I was sound asleep.

**Next Morning on the boys hotel**

Me and Gemma left Mary at around 2pm saying she was fine and her dad was soon going to be home. I didn't want to leave her alone but she insisted. I drop Gemma off at her room because last thing she wanted was to see her brother and she was tired.

As I walk up to their hotel room I can hear the boys loud talking. I knock on the door and Liam opens it.

"Hi Babe" He said as he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Hey" I said. I say hello to the rest of the boy except Harry. I didn't even look in his direction. The talking died down a little but they were still talking. After a while Harry phone ran and he excuse himself to answer it.

"Babe, Can I go to your room I really don't feel like being the same room as him" I said as I nod my head in Harry's direction.

"Trust me babe none of us are happy with him right now, but give us a couple of minutes before we go to the room" He said and I sight. Why can't he just give me the damn key?!?

A couple of minutes later passed and Harry came back into the room. I took my phone so I would have something to do while they discuss what ever they need to talk about.

"I'm going out with a couple of friend, so you guys can decide without me"

"Harry, we need to do this as a group you can't keep leaving us hanging" Louis said. I made a hissing sound and Liam look at me as a sigh to keep it quite.

"Whatever you guys decide I'm on board and that's it" Harry said and now it was Liam turn to talk.

"Harry, you are part of this band you also need to make decisions you been slacking on us since-" Liam said but wasn't able to finish.

"Don't you dare mention her name" He said almost shouting.

"Excuse me, why can't he mention her she was your girl, she is expecting your child" I said feeling my blood boiling.

"That was before she cheated on me, and that child is not mine" He yelled.

"You know what, your just a worthless piece of shît you know" I yelled getting closer to him

"Carol-" Liam said but I stopped him

"No, now is my turn to talk. You, you don't deserve a girl like Mary, you never had, she fûcked up once and you treated her the biggest slût there is, not only that but you denied her baby. Yes she might had fücked up but you are no better. If I do recall you also cheated on her. Kissing Kendall when you were together. She was crying her heart and when you showed up and explain she fücking forgave you. She gave her all and this is how you repay her. You used her body and left her like she was a piece of trash and you still think you can sit here and talk crap about her when your the slüt and the trash here" I yelled my face inches away from him.

"You better watch your words, I didn't cheat, Kendall kissed me and I pushed her off Mary didn't, she went and snogged the life out of Zayn. I had the guts to tell her she didn't she waited month for me to find out. She is the slu-" I didnt let him finish that sentence when I punch him straight in the jaw.

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