Chapter 23- Good..?

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Mary P.O.V

"Yes Carol we're moving" I said staring at her right in the eyes. She's looking at me confuse with a hint of worry.

"But why?" she finally asked.

I thought about moving out since last night cause I think it's better for all of us to have our own space. I know my mom is really mad at me and I know Diana doesn't want to know about me when she wakes up.

"Its better for all of us if we moved out" I said taking a seat next to Harry.

"But I dont understand... D-don't you want to be here when Diana wakes up?" she ask looking at me.

"Its not that complicated Carol, Diana need her space and so does mom. Your going to have a baby, he/she needs space too so I decided its best for us to find a place of our own"

"Mary have you thought of the fact that you still don't have a job and that I haven't shown up to work in about a month. How are we going to pay for an apartment?" Carol said.

Then it hit me. They haven't call to see if I had the job or not. How can I explain to Carol how im bringing money home.

"I have some saving and I'll figure something out but we are moving, that's final."

"You haven't even asked for my opinion on this, Mary." Carol said throwing her hand up in sign of frustration.

"I didn't because I know you would agree with me thats what best friends do support each other and Im counting on you to support me on this one Carol."

"I know I know" she said passing a hand through her hair "It's just weird that all of sudden you want to move, even though you're only 18."

"It doesn't matter" I said "You know what, if you don't want to come, I understand" I stand up and start to look for my luggage.

"No Mary, I want to come. I'm just thinking about that this is a crazy idea and an unexpected one." she walks over to where I am.

"It's for our own good, everyone would be better. Don't worry."

"Are you sure of this?" Liam finally speaks.

"Yea, cos I'm pretty sure my mom and my sister don't want to see my face around here." I look down as the tears starts to fall again and I walk over to the closet to cover myself. It hurts like a motherf*cker that I destroy this family, my family.

I let out a sob that I couldn't hold in anymore. My heart is breaking every second that pass by. It's all my fault, I know Carol think it's her fault but it's not cause she was only doing the right thing, she was having fun with my sister while I told her horrible things. She was being a better sister than me. After a few I realize that I was held in a group hug, by Liam, Carol and Harry. That's when I lost it and started to sob loudly. They were all whispering things.

"It's okay" Liam said.

"M-Mary it's okay, please don't cry" Carol cried.

"Babe please don't cry, everything it's going to be okay, I promise." Harry said and kiss my forehead.

We stayed like that for few and then I slowly separated from them, as I put my head up I see that they all were crying. I hate seeing them like this, only cause it's my fault.

"I'm s-sorry guys" I weakly kind smiled. Harry was still close to me, so he use his thump to swipe away my tears and hugged me again as I hug him back.

We soon started to pack so we decided to put some low music. Never say Never by The Fray stared to play.

"I love this song" Carol said as she took a suitcase out and stared to pack her clothes.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now