Chapter 28- Coming Out

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Carol P.O.V

I felt bad that I got mad at Liam when he was just looking out for me. I decided to stop being a bitch and talk to him. I was going to to go after him in the airport but my feet were a bit swollen and they hurt. I texted him till I fell asleep.

I woke up with the alarm on my phone. I check the time 6 am. I groan as I got up from my bed and walk to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went inside the shower. 20 minutes later I got out. I took out a pair of lose jeans and a tank top. I changed into my black vans and threw on a sweater. I walkout the room and knock on Mary room. When their was no response I was ready to walk in and slap her awake.

I walked in to find her still sound as sleep.

"MARY WAKE THE FUCK UP IS 6:40" I said switching on the light.

"What the fuck?!" she yells

"You have 20 minuted to get ready so I suggest you get the fuck up" I said before closing the door and walking back to my room. I grabbed my purse and phone and walk into the living room. Their were no use on going to the kitchen if their was no food. I scrolled down twitter and instagram. Mary came into the living room 30 minutes later.

"Ready" she said.

"Yeah I've been since half an hour ago" I said as I got up. I dont know why I was so moody about everything right know is anoying me and I guess Mary knew because she didnt argue back.

"You want me to drive" she offers and I nod.

We got in the car and started the drive to school. I took my phone out and saw I had a text from Liam.

'Good morning babe, have a nice day' I read and I stared to smile.

"I'm glad he can make you smile" Mary said and I look up at her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about this morning I really don't know why I'm so grumpy"

"Mood swings, mom had them almost everyday when she was expecting Diana" Mary said as she made a right to go to the McDonald drive thru.

"I just don't want to make you feel bad you know" I said

"Don't worry I already know how to deal with it"

"I'm glad boo" I said.

"What you want for breakfast Hun" Mary said.

"Uh, I want that plate where they have the pancakes and sausages" I said trying to remember the name.

"Okay, but no coffee it's not healthy for you"

"I know" I said in a disappointed voice"

She order and pay for our food. When our number was called she took our food and stared to drive.

"You can eat it know, i'll eat in class"

"You sure, I could wait"

"Don't be silly" she said. I gave her a small smile and stared to eat slowly so I won't drop anything.

We got to school, and me and Mary said our goodbyes before going to our first class.

Mary P.O.V

I got to history and I was already tired and annoyed last thing I needed was to listen to a speech on how the constitution was form. When I got inside Samantha was sitting next to my seat and I just rolled my eyes.

"Well hello Ms. fake pop stars" she said as I took my seat.

This is gonna be a long class.

20 minutes into the period I was ready to slap the blond out of her. She kept saying rude remarks towards me. I tried to ignore them because I honestly didn't give a damn of what she had to say. But then she said the wrong thing and I exploited.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now