Chapter 3- Movie Time

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Mary P.O.V.

I turn around to see the most beautiful eyes watching me. I know those eyes anywhere, they are Harry's. In pictures they are amazingly beautiful but in person, those green with blue sparkle like a brand new diamond that was just finished being polished. Even though he's beautiful, I'm not a big fan of him, he's a manwhore.

"Are you okay love?" he ask. 

I didn't know what to say, I was tongue tie but I manage to answer. I'm not tongue tie cos Mr. Harry Styles is talking to me, Hell no! but the fact he's asking if I'm alright. 

"Yes, thanks for helping back there." I say while fake smiling.

"No problem love, did you came here alone or you with someone?" He asks.

"I came with my best friend" I say annoy but still politely, why he's asking me that.

When I point in her direction I realize she is nowhere to be seen. I start to panic a bit, even though I know she is fine. I'm her best friend but I have to take care of her like she's my daughter cos she could be crazy sometimes.

"I got to go and find her before the premiere starts, we don't want to be late." I say & flash a quick smile & turn around before he can even say bye.

Carol P.OV

When I saw Mary fall I wanted to run over and help her out everything happen so fast, I see that Harry and Zayn reach her.

When I was about to speak, Harry Styles touch Mary's shoulder. 

I decide it would be better to go to the other side, so I start to walk fast to the nearest exist but my heels were killing me and it’s only been an hour.

"How in the world would I be able to survive the night?!” I say out loud

Apparently, I say this a bit too loud because someone answers my question.

"Don’t worries, the movie about to start you would be resting for about at least 2 hours"

I turn around to see him staring at me. Our eyes meet and a quick smile appeared on my face. I want to say something but no word comes out, it feel like we be staring for ages but it’s only been seconds, finally the silence between us brakes.

"Sorry love for interrupting your train of thoughts... out loud.” he says with a cheeky smile.

I chuckle at his lasts word and I'm nervous enough but I manage to speak.

"Don't worry about it; I was thinking out loud anyone could had answer me"

"I’m so rude let me introduce myself, hi I'm Liam!" I laugh a bit before introducing myself.

"Everyone that’s here knows your name we are at your movie premiere." He smile widely "True" he says. "I'm Carol"

"Carol, that’s a nice name"

The way he said my name made my cheek to turn red a little, I'm nervous but don't want to stop talking to him. "Thank you" I say

my phone starts to vibrate I look down to see Mary is calling me.

"Hello, Mary where are you?" 

"Looking crazy for you, the movie about to start in less than 10 mins."

"Ok I know, I'm sorry, meet me by the entrance I will be there." 

“Okay "

Before I can reply she hang up, I turn around to start head to the entrance. I see that Liam is still where I have left him; he's signing some autograph and smiling. I can’t help to smile as I'm walk pass him, he didn't even notice.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now