Chapter 16- Back to school

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Carol P.O.V.

I should be sleeping but I decide to stay up and wait for Mary. I don't like gossip but I need to know everything that happened on the date. I still can't believe that does two are together just a couple of days back they hated each other guts, now they all lovey-dovey. I feel there something else than what they say, I just can't put my finger on it. While I wait I decide to make me a cup of tea and watch some TV in the living room. I was slowly drifting to sleep as I waited for her.

"There no point on waiting I'm sure she stay over at Harry's" I whisper to myself while taking my last slip of tea. I got up and start to make my way to the room while I heard the door, I ran to the room and climbed into the bed and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door to our room open and the light were turn on.

"Stop it Carol I know you're up" Crap.

"How you knew?" I asked

"The TV was on and saw your shadow creep into the room" she said and I chuckle at myself.

"Epic fail" I said while sitting on the bed.

"Big time" Mary said as she sat at the edge of her bed slipping out her shoes.

"So how it went?" I asked her

"It went great, we talked, shared some laugh's, ate chocolate covered strawberry and we kissed multiple times, Just like a normal couple would do on their first date." she said

"Aw cute, I'm glad you guys had fun tonight, I still can't believe you guys are together I swear I didn't see this one coming" I said laying back down on my bed.

"Yeah, nobody did, but I'm glad this happen you know his great'' She said while taking out her pajamas from the drawer.

"Well I'm happy for you too" I said letting out a yawn. "Well I will talk to you in the morning, I'm drop dead tired and I know you are too" I said closing my eyes slowly

"Yea I am goodnight Boo"

"Goodnight" I manage to say before drifting slowly to sleep

**2 week later**

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when your smile at the ground isn't it hard to tell

You don't know you're beautiful.

I hit the off button on my alarm on my phone. I look at my phone. 6:00Am

"Mary wake up first day of school" I said while climbing out of bed.

"5 more minutes" she mumbles covering her face with the sheets.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to Diana room; I opened the door and see a soundly asleep Diana.


"5 more minutes please and I promise I'll get up" urg these sister are just alike. I left and made my way to the kitchen to find a note on the kitchen counter next to the box of tea.

*Left extra early for work, knowing Mary she would wake up late so just get breakfast on the way to school. - Love Grace.* She been leaving 'extra early' lately to work, I wonder why. Since I didn't have to make breakfast I made my way to the bathroom since both girls are still soundly asleep.

15 minutes later I got out the shower to find Diana sitting outside the bathroom falling asleep.

"Diana you can go in now" She opened her eyes and made her way to the bathroom. I opened the door to our room to find a Mary still sleeping.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now