Chapter 41- Trusted you

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Harry P.O.V

I stumble inside my house. I was drunk as hell and seeing double. I drank until I couldn't feel no more pain. How could she do this to me? I love her and she went and kiss my best mate. I couldn't think of any reason on why she would cause this pain im going through right now. She used me. I was only her toy. I walk slowly into my house I took off my jacket and threw it some where along with my keys and shoes. I don't care I was already wasted I wanted more to drink. I don't want to stop and think about her kissing someone else, Zayn, I don't want to cry no more.

"This what happens Harry when you fall in love with someone that signed a contract just for fame. She just used you and didn't even have feeling for you." My subconscious argues with me.
"I'm just a Fool's Gold." Now I understand what Liam felt when he believed Carol cheated on her. The only difference here is that Mary did cheat. I made my way towards the mini bar I had when I notice the lights from the kitchen was on and there were movement. I made my way stumbling to the kitchen to find her in a robe pouring herself a cup of tea while there's was the finished whiskey bottle that was a quarter full when I left, next to her.

"W-what are you doing here?" I snap.
She stumbles as if I scared her.

"You're home finally, I was getting worried" she said as a small smile appears on her lips but it disappeared as it appears. Her eyes were a bit red as she looks at me.

"Pfft sure you was" I said rolling my eyes and walking towards her. I grabbed the tea cup forgetting it was hot, I dropped it immediately.

"Fuck" I yelled as all the tea cup breaks and all water fell wetting the floor.

"Fuck Harry why you didn't grabbed with something?!" She said. "Come let me put something on it" she said grabbing my hand.

"Dont touch me!" I yelled snatching my hand away from her. I see the pain in her eye as my words came out.

"Please Harry, you can get blisters like that" she said as she walked to fridge and grabbed frozen peas.

"I dont like peas" I said in a whinny voice. She smiled a little.

"You are not going to to eat them" she said as she grabbed my hand and place it on the area that got burn. I closed my eyes at the sudden contact but opened it them as fast. I looked at her her as she looked at my red hands. She avoided my eyes for a couple of second until I lifted her by her chin so she can look at me.

"Why?" I ask in a low voice looking at her.

"I-I didn't" she tried to say but she chocked on her own words. She cant even find a good excuse.

"You cant even tell me the truth, How long have you been with him?!" I spat.

"Harry no don't!" she yells.

"Don't what, what didn't I give you that he was huh? was it the sex? the luxury?" I yell louder than her as I'm standing up. She backed away but I grabbed her.

"I can't believe you think that low of me I never been with him, he jus-just kissed me" She yelled trying to move away from my grip but I held tighter to her.

"And you kissed him back" I yell pushing her somewhat hard again the wall.

"Harry stop your hurting me" she whisper yell.

"Im hurting you, how about me huh? I'm hurting because you cheated on me. I love you and this is how you pay me" Getting closer to her face as I yell at her, I don't care if people hear me, I'm piss. I don't know if it the alcohol or the fact that she's only wearing a robe that she look so fūckable.

"I didn't mean too Harry, I love you too! I never loved someone as much as I do" She said. I cant help myself no more. My eyes are fill with lust and all I'm thinking of fucking her in the kitchen counter showing her who she belongs to.

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