Chapter 45: No Happy Ending

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Harry P.O.V

Its been a whole week since the wedding and Mary and I talk. I wasn't very fond if the idea of just staying as friends. I mean how am I suppose to be 'just friends' with the girl I love. But I knew this is what it cost and this is my price no matter how much it pain me.

Right now I'm getting ready to go see Mary and Jacob. Jacob is soon going to turn one and I want to plan a birthday party for him I just need to talk to Mary about it first. Once I'm done I grabbed my wallet and phone and headed to Mary's apartment.

It didnt take long to be there and I was glad I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my son. I parked the car right in front of her building and walk up to her flat. Once there I knock on the door and wasn't please as to who answered the door. Mark was there holding my son, my blood boils from anger I thought she said he was just a friend.

"Oh hey Harry" He said as he opened the door wider for me to come in.

"Mark" I said walking in without giving him another glance.

When I walk in Mary was still in pajamas short and the shirt she wore the second time we did it and her glasses. A smile appeared on my face at the sight.

"Nice shirt" I said as a hello.

"Oh thanks Harry, I um totally forgot you was coming over today" She said.

"Its okay, Im here now, maybe you and Jacob wanted to go somewhere, we can even start planning for his birthday" I said ignoring the fact that Mark was a feet away from us holding my child.

"Oh about that, um as I said, it totally slipped that you where coming over and- um Mark is taking me and Jacob out sight seeing" She said blushing. My lips formed an "O" shape.

Don't blow up Harry.

Don't scream.

Just don't!

I took a deep breath before answering.

"We planned this for the past three days that I was coming over, can't Mark here take you sight seeing another day" I said nicely but annoyed.

"I- um" She stutter.

"Sorry to bust in but if you want to see Jacob maybe you can watch him while I take Mary out" he smirks. I wish I could punch that smirk out of his face.

"No, I need to be here when he's with Jacob, make sure everything is alright" Mary said. I looked at her like she lost her mind.

"I can take great care of Jacob and Mark here has a point. You could go out and I'll spend time with my son, win ,win" I said. She shocked her head in disapproval. "Let me prove myself Mary" I said. She thought About it and finally approved.

"Okay fine, but if you need help in anything call me" She said and I nodded. She soon disappeared into her room to get dress. Mark and I stayed in the living room as I played with Jacob. It was an awkward silence.

"So Styles, how is this whole parenting thing?" He asked clearly trying to make conversation with me.

"Its been okay getting the hang of everything" I said not paying attention to him.

"Oh thats good, here little Jacob and I have gotten very close the past month" He said. For some reason that made my blood boil a little. Who does he think he is tell me this.

"Thats great to hear, but now he is with his father and im going to be the first for everything" I said with annoyance in my voice.

We stayed silent again. I decided to pick Jacob up and go to the room cause he smell a little.

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