Chapter 32- I'm Sorry

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*One month later*

Carol P.O.V

Its been a month since I last saw Liam and the memory wasn't nice. He seemed so angry with me and I don't even know why. After he left I bawl my eyes crying and Mary was there trying to comfort me but it was no use.


"He just left without explaining" I sob into Mary arms.

"Shush babe it okay"

"N-no is n-not he hates me and I don't know why" I sob.

"No he don't maybe you are over thinking, he said he didn't want you out"

"Mary you didn't saw what I saw he looked so angry it almost look like he was jealous of something" When I said that I felt Mary's body tense up. I sat up and whipped my tears with the back of my hand.

"Mary is there something I don't know" I ask her.

"Um, I, well no" she said.

"Mary your a horrible liar spill it" I said.

"Urg fine, today while me and Liam were doing the dishes he asked me if Austin had tried to contact you, I said no and he drop the subject immediately after my answer"

"Omg do you think he called" I said putting my hands on my lips.

"Was there a call from him"

"No when I check my phone the last call was from you" I said the tears where coming back.

"Who he said it was that called?" She asks.

"He said wrong number, Omg Mary he called" I sob and Mary hugged me again.

"Shush its okay" she whispers.

I cried the whole night after I finally fell asleep with Mary by my side.

-flashback over-

Liam and I had barely talk to each other this past month and it was hurting me so much. When I try and bring up the night he quickly changes the subject. It hurts me that I drove him away from me. My biggest nightmare is coming back. I was going to be along. He had left me.

Right now I was sitting in my forth period class bored and sleepy as hell. I keep rethinking the night, thinking of reasons why Liam might have gotten mad at me but the only conclusion I have is that he called. Man why is my life so complicated.

Since I didn't have the mind to listen my English teacher talk about Shakespeare I skipped my next class and hung around the library for while.

"Shouldn't you be in class" Mrs. Carter asked me.

"Maybe, I just feel a bit sick" I said.

"Okay you can hang around there and if you feel more sick let me know" She said. And that is why I like Mrs. Carter she would never rat me out even if she knew I was cutting.

I sat there and was going through my phone almost the entire time. I kept looking Liam twitter to see if he had tweeted but nothing. He hasn't tweeted anything in the pas 4 days and there was even a trend just for him. 'LiamMIA'. If he could only talk to me,tell me why he so mad at me.

I closes twitter and decided to to text Liam.

'Carol: I miss you, Talk to me why are you so distant?' I waited for about five minutes staring at the text as if It was going to talk to me. It finally showed the three little dots indicating that he has seen my message and is going to write back. I exited the message so he wont think I'm a creep of something and waiting for the text that never came.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now