Chapter 25- Waking

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Mary P.O.V

"Did you see the texts from Anne?" I asked after we got Carol and Liam home. Anne been sending us text the whole the boys been here, it's getting so annoying.

"Yeah I'm at the point that I want to block her number" Harry said.

"Tell me about it" I said sighing. The drive to the hospital was silent. I spent it on my phone going through twitter and instagram. We park the car and we see about 2 cars of paparazzi.

"What the fuck is this?" I screamed getting aggrivated. "Is this some kind of sick joke of Anne, My sister is in a fucking coma and she sents paps to take picture of us" I continue to yell at Harry. He stood there not really knowing what to do or say.

"I'm so sorry" He said in a low voice.

"Why are your sorry this is not your fault, this is all mine, I fucking agreed to the contract" I said in between my sobs

"This bitch is getting on my last nerve and Im at the point where Im about to explote" I said

We stayed in the car for a few minutes trying to calm myself down before we leave the car. When I was fully calm We got out.

"Are you ready?" he said.

"Yeah" I responded. We locked hands and stared to walk. We ignore all the questions that the paps were throwing at us and I kept my head down. We fiannly got inside, We walked the long hallways up to Diana room. Harry went to too the cafeteria to get us and my mom a cup of coffee. I reached the room and find my mom sleeping next to Diana.

"ma" I shook her slowly."ma'

"Huh, Oh honey hii" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Mom you should go and get some rest before you go to work" I said taking a seat next to her.

"Its okay, I took the night off, I want to be here for when she wakes up" she said and I felt my heart brake a bit.

"But atleast go home, shower and relax a bit and then come back, Me and Harry can get you some food while your at the house" I said. She took a while before agrreing.

"But only for a bit okay" She said and I nodded. Before leaving she kissed Diana in the forhead and gave me a kiss in the cheeks. I sat in the chair my mom was sitting.

"She looking better''Harry said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah she does, I hope she soon wakes up" I said. He handed me the cup of coffee.

"I saw your mom leave, she looked as if she was about to cry, Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, she just didnt want to leave Diana" I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Everything is going to be okay, she is going to wake up" He said as he sat in the chair next to me.

"I hope so" I said stroking Diana hair a bit.

I brush Diana hair and put it up in a high messy bun the way I know she likes it. We stay in the room a bit more before we left to go and get something to eat since I was hungry and I needed to get my mom some food. When we got out the paps weren't there and I was glad. I didnt really want to deal with their annoying flashes. We drove around a bit before we pull up to Shake Shack. We walked in it there we barly any people.

"Do you want to stay and eat it here instead of a hospital room?" Harry asked.

"Yeah sure" I said. we order our food and Sat by the window near another couple. We talked about when we are planning to move in and that he soon is going to leave. He also told me the amazing news that Carol and Liam are together.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now