Chapter 29: 1DDay Halloween

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Harry P.O.V

"Happy Halloween!" Mary screamed when I pick up the FaceTime call.

"Happy Halloween!" I scream back and we both laugh.

"What are you doing?" she ask

"Nothing just here sitting on the couch while eating a banana and waiting for the boys to finish" I show her my half way banana and she smiles. "And waiting to go on a interview before going to the premiere." I bite my banana and smile. "How about you?"

"Oh cool, more people are going to see your pretty manly butterfly tattoo on your stomach" she laughs and I make a fake face that I'm hurt.

"It's a manly tattoo" I pout.

"Yea yeaa, sure Harry what ever makes you sleep at night" she laughs more.

"Okay" I raise my eyebrow "What you doing?" I ask.

"I'm in bed about to go to sleep." She yawns and smiles.

"Oh really?! What time it's over there?" I ask kind of surprise.

"It's um 12:05 a.m.. How about over there?"

"It's um-" I check my watch "1:05 p.m."

She smiles and yawns before speaking, "That's 13 hours ahead, cool!" she said excitedly. "Well anyways I called to say 'HAPPY HALLOWEEN!' and now I'm saying good luck on your interview and premiere, try not to talk much about me and don't fall." she giggles.

My heart skip a beat when I heard her giggle. "Thank you, no promises. Try not to think of me while working and be on your best behavior." I said seriously.

"No promises" she said seriously as a smile started to form on her face and giggles start coming out of her mouth.

"Stop flirting with me Mary" I said with a smirk on my face.

She stops laughing and looks at the camera "It's not flirting, its called being friendly Harry Edward Styles." She roll her eyes and smirked before biting her damn lips.

"Yea yea, you know you want this" I wink at her and pass a hand through my chest. She turn red and look away as she laughs.

"Oh please" she look back down towards me and raise an eyebrow as she bite her lips more passionately.

"How from a 'Happy Halloween' to all flirty?" I laugh and she laughs too.

"Being friendly" she repeats even though I know she was flirting with me and I was with her. "So where are the other boys? By the way I hope one day I get to meet 5 Second of Summer, I love their music!" She smiles widely and excitedly said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, their music is really cool and they're better looking than you" she said sticking out her tongue.

"So you're calling One Direction ugly?" I ask shock but laugh a little.

"No I'm calling YOU ugly" She smiles.

I let out gasp "I feel offended" I put my hand against my heart. "Well thank you babe, I could feel the love" I said as I see Zayn walking towards the couch.

She laughs "Yup! So where are the other guys? & how they're doing? Please say hi to them for me." she yawns and gets more comfortable on her bed.

"Well they're good and they're right here. Zayn is sitting now next to me" I inform her. "Mary said Hi!" I scream to the guys.

"Hi Mary!" All the boys scream back.

"Vats Zappening" Zayn say as he got next to me so Mary could see him.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now