Chapter 37- Losing you

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We are now in the emotional part of the story.

Also we're almost done with this fanfic... So please ENJOY :)

This chapter is have edit and the other half unedited... Sorry...

Carol P.O.V

I woke up not really knowing where was I. I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the bright light. When I opened the fully I notice I was in the hospital. What the hell am I doing here?! I looked around and found Liam sleeping in a chair by the door. Suddenly the events of last night came rushing in. The little fight with Liam about Sophia. The baby shower and Austin showing up in the bathroom and then hitting me in my stomach. Oh my Gosh. My baby.

"L-Liam" I said in a panic voice as I shook him. He woke and his eyes met mine. They were red and puffy. Was he crying.

"Babe your awake finally" he said. "Let me call the doctor" He got up and rush out. He soon came back with the doctor and a nurse.

"Oh Ms. Carol, so glad that your awake. Its been a while"

A while?!

"How long has I been unconscious?" I ask

"For about a day" He said


"Doctor how'a my baby?!" I ask the last thing of my priorities was worrying how many days ive gone unconscious, I want to know hows my baby.

"So it looks like you still don't know the news" He said a little more down.

"What news? Liam what is he talking about?!" I said panic rushing over me.

"I will leave you two alone" The doctor said. I took my eyes off him and look at Liam. What news?

"Babe, whats the doctor talking about?" I ask worriedly.

"Uh, we all were talking about this and everyone believe its best if I tell you" He start to say not meeting my gaze.

"Cut to the chase Liam, What is it that I need to know?" Please God don't let it repeat it self.

"Babe, you remember what happened on the baby shower right?" He said still not looking up to me.

"No not really everything seek to be a blur" I said.

"Well, when you went to the bathroom, Austin followed you. I guess you two talk and things got out of handle and he hit you right in the stomach and kicked you. When you fell you knocked some glass and it cut your belly. Babe I'm so sorry but we.." he take a deep breath as his eyes start to water "We l-lost Leah" His voice cracks. I didn't want to believe. No. I didn't lose her. I didn't lose her too. Liam was now crying. I didn't shed a tear. I wasn't moving.

"Your joking?" I simply ask.

"No babe I wish I was" He said. Soon I felt my body start to shake a bit, my breathing god quicker and my vision blurry. I was having another seizure. Just like the first time.

"CAROL BAB-" I think I heard Liam scream and saw doctors with weird machine running towards me. Its happening again. I've lost her. I lost everything. I was careless. I was weak.

Liam P.O.V

It's been a day since Carol has been unconscious over the seizure she had when I told her the news about Leah. I haven't left her side ever since. My tears are all dry up and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say to her when she wakes up again. Maybe she will ask for Leah again and I will have to tell her once again. All I want right know is too find that asshole of Austin and kill him with my own bare hands. The door to Carol's room opened slowly but I didn't lift my head up.

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