Chapter 44- New Beginnings

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***July 2015***

Carol P.O.V

"Emma where the fück are the flowers I wanted?!" I scream as I see white flowers.

"You said this shade is the one you wanted" Emma said back as calm as possible. But I clearly see the annoyance in her face.

"No I clearly wanted pastel flowers. I wanted a shade of a very light pink and this is not pink" I said flinging the flower back and forth in her face.

"Babe, Calm down its just flowers" Liam said. Wrong move.

"Just flowers Liam? Everyone is going to be looking at the flowers they don't match with the rest of the decorations"

"So white matches with everything" He said and I gave him the meanest look. "Okay Ill shut up" as he put his hand on his mouth and walk to the nearest table.

"Thank you" I said and turn back at Emma who looked scared.

"Not only they are not the color I wanted, they are not even roses, what are these?!" I put my hand on my hip.

"Those are tulips babe" Liam said once again as he turn around and I gave him the same deathly glare. He threw his hand in the air in defeat and walk farther away to the other table.

I continued with Emma and gave in big bold letters the shade I wanted, the flowers and everything. About an hour later me and Liam left the place to go and meet with the person making our cake to make sure everything is in order. I swear to god they better have it right or I will take the cake and smash it.

"You made me look so stupid in there" I said as I got inside the Rover.

"No I didn't" As he close my door.

"Yea you did, 'those are tulips' like really" I looked at him as he got inside.

"She was going to tell you the same thing" he turn on the car.

"It would have been better if she would tell me, I had my whole speech plan that I couldn't say" I said and he chuckles as he pulls off.

"Whats so funny?" I look at him kind of annoyed, this wedding is going to be the end of me. Ugh.

"Nothing you are just turning into a bridezilla its so fun to look at. You had poor Emma in fear every time you're talking to her" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I am not Bridezilla, she just got me upset this time" I said and pulled out my phone and started checking my Emails.

"Well what about last time when the bows for the chair wasn't the perfect shade of burgundy?" He chuckles a little.

I sign "And that time too" I admit.

"How about that-"

"Okay I get it" I sigh as I pass a hand through my hair "I been acting crazy with her a couple of times." I look at him and he looks at me as he makes a stop on a red light. "I just want everything to be perfect for our wedding." I let out a breath I was holding.

"I know babe" he said as he takes my hand and gives a light kiss on it. "But I told you, If it wasn't the fast that you wanted in the beach, I would had taken you to Las Vegas and marry you already." he said as he get his attention back to the road but he still holding my hand.

"That's not romantic" I smile as I feel him playing with my engagement ring. It's a little habit he got every time we're together.

"Well for you it's not but for me it is cause I only want to marry you and be with you. I don't care how and where we get marry I just want us to be together forever and aways." He smiles at the end as he winks and squeeze my hand.

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