Chapter 40- Time Pass By When You're In Love

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Mary P.O.V.

In 2 days is Harry's birthday so now I'm packing my bags to go to surprise him in rehearsal. Carol is also packing a small bag to go visit her fiancé. We going to visit only for the weekend. They don't know we're even going.
At the airport we got just in time, we go to the normal sits cos we don't really need VIP treatment. The whole plane ride we were talking about how's the wedding is going to be like and how everyone is going to flip when they find out. They still haven't tell no one just me and the guys but they still need to tell the media and the fandom.
After 7 hours in the air we're finally landed. I call Paul to see if he can give us the address of where they're rehearsing.

But before we take a cab to where they are, we change the money to pounds. After a few hours later we are at the hidden place they're rehearsing. Paul was waiting for us at the front.
"Hi Paul!" Carol and me say at the same time as get our handbags luggage out the back of the cab.

"Morning Ladies" He said as he smile at us. "How was your flight?" He ask as he try to carry our bags, but we didn't let him.

"It was neck breaking" Carol said as she crack her bones and put her bag on her other shoulder.

"But it's worth it" I said as we smile to him. "So what the boys doing?" I ask as we start walking inside the building, there's a long hallway.

"Right now they're recording a few songs." Paul said as he makes a right at then of the hallway, just to see another long hallway but with doors.

"Oh okay" Carol mumbles. "They don't know we're here, right?"

"No they don't." he stops in front of double blue doors. "We're here" he starts to twist the knob. Carol and me start to smile like two little girls in Christmas. "Guys..." he starts to say as we hide behind him. "Look who's here."
"SURPRISE!" we scream!

The boys look at us like 'wtf' and then Liam and Harry are by our sides wrapping their arms around us.

"God I missed you" Harry mumbles on my ear as he hugs me tight. Then his lips found mine and we started to kiss. A quick passionate kiss.

We separate from our embrace so I could say hi to Liam and Carol to Harry. I notice Louis and Niall on the couch looking at us happily.

Where's Zayn? But then I notice him on the recording booth looking at us with surprise in his eyes. I flash me a shy smile but he didn't return it back he just looked down. My eye travel to Niall who seemed to caught us and nodded his head in disapproving. I look down because I know what he was thinking
'You still haven't told him?'

I wanted to but every time I brought my self to tell him he does something to regret. A quick 'I love you' or 'Your the best thing that happened to me'. How am I suppose to go and break his heart just like that.

"When did you guys got here?" Liam ask as he still holding onto Carol.

"Couple of hours ago, you know wanted to be here for my baby birthday" I said giving him a little wink and a kiss.

"Well then, we are almost done for today so I guess you girls can chill around until we go and we could get something to eat" Liam said and we nodded. Carol was sitting next to Niall and I was next to Louis and Harry.

Zayn came out and it was Liam turn to record. Zayn said a quick hello and a congratulation to Carol engagement and sat as far but close to us, if that even make sense. He pulled out his phone and was glued to it.

"Let us see that ring" Niall exclaim to Carol and she happily showed her Left hand.

"Uhh It big" Louis said gawking at it.

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