Chapter 11- Solution

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{Sexual Content}

Carol P.O.V.

I was getting ready to go see Austin for the first time after the accident, I was nervous and I didn’t what to expect. At least I know that my answers would be answered, He would tell me what drove him to put his hand on me. I didn’t tell Grace or Mary about it, I guess when I come home they would find out. I finished getting ready and I made my way downstairs, Grace was in the kitchen and Diana was watching TV.

“I’m going out Grace I'll be back before dinner"

“Okay, Have fun darling" she said. Fun I don’t know is that what I’ll be having but I hope I feel better after this.

I walk over to my car and hopped in I connected my iPhone to the radio and put One Direction's Pandora, ' Over again' started playing, I hummed to the melody as I drove out the driver.

The drive wasn’t long because there wasn’t any traffic so I made my way to his house pretty quick. I parked the car but I didn’t move at all, I just sat there, hands on the steering wheel and my eyes were locked on his house. I think I stayed like this for a good 10 minutes until my nerves were more calmed down, I stepped out locking the car doors and walking up to the door, I hesitate but knocked on the door. I waited a couple of seconds before i heard the door unlock. I froze. This was it there was no turning back now.

“Carol, Babe you made it" he said

“Yea I did" He pulled me into a tight hug and the smelled of his cologne hit my nose, he always wear the same one. Armani Code.

“Come in" As I walked in I see the empty bottles of beer next to the couch. I sign knowing he still drinks.

“Austin I came here for you to ex-" I was interrupted by his lips pressing into mine. The kiss wasn’t sweet it was sloppy and rough.

“No wait" I said while pulling back “We need to talk about what happened the other day at the bar, you hurt me Austin. You put your hands on me and you never done that, Why?"

“Carol I-I don’t want to talk about it" I was took back with his answer.

"F*ck you mean you don’t want to talk about it! Hell you’re going to talk about it! You hurt and you better have a good damn reason on why you did that!" I have never raised my voice as much as I did right know. But I was angry, how he gonna tell me he don’t want to talk about It, hell he punched me.

“I’m waiting for your answer Austin" I said and he took a seat and pat down the seat next to him as a signal for me to see next to him. “No thanks I don’t want to seat I want your answer."

“Okay, I’m going to tell you since I knew one day i was going to have to tell you," He made a paused but continue "I was angry I received a call from my father, He wanted money and I refused to give it to him, he begged telling me that he lost his job and his rent was soon due. I was going to give it to him until I heard his new girlfriend asking him if he called me to ask for the money to buy the drug's" I froze I couldn’t believe that his father was still lying to him. “I got mad, I blew up on him and hung up, I was frustrated so I stared to drink, I kept calling you and you wouldn’t pick up so then I tracked your phone and when I found you and you told me you was with other guys I lost it and hit you, I’m truly sorry I took out my anger out and you and you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sorry do you think you would be able ever forgive me?”

Would I ever be able to forgive him completely, I don’t know but I would be able to give it a try.

“Austin I’m not sure if I would be able to completely forgive you at least I’m willing to give us a try again, I do love you we been together for a year and half now, I don’t want to throw all to waste." I said

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