Chapter 5- Not So Good

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Harry P.O.V

I cannot believe what just happen, how can she just slap me and walk away.

I turn around and see Zayn with a smirk on his face and some other random people with the 'oh' faces.

I see some people with their phones recording, "oh great management is not going to be so happy about this" I whisper to myself.

"Good job mate" Zayn tells me mad, "You just can't control yourself, eh!?"

"Whatever!" I tell him while walking away from him; I need to go the bathroom.

Mary P.O.V

I get my purse from our table before heading to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, I go in a tool and I do what I have to do.

When I'm in front the sink and mirror, I wash my hands and put cold water on my face, right now I don't really care about my makeup. I just feel mad & hot. I starting to get a headache from the music, Treasure by Bruno Mars is playing now. I love this song but I'm seriously not in mood.

I start to think what just happen,"Oh shit I just slap Harry Styles!" I whisper to myself in front the mirror.

I start to laugh for the fact that when I slap him, his hair went on 'ONE DIRECTION', to the right.

It felt good slapping him but for some reason I'm feeling guilty. I'm not normally this type of person but when I get my period I am. Sorry but not sorry.

I clean my face and try to fix a little my mess up make up.

When I open the bathroom door, I hit somebody.

Harry P.O.V

While walking to the bathroom I got hit by a door "OMG I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" someone says, she poke her head and that's when I caught her gaze, it's Mary's. I see her and roll my eyes, the last thing I want to do is to see her after what she did, so I keep walking & shoving her arm just a little as I pass by.

"RUDE!" she screams at me.

"I'm rude?!" I turn around really piss.

"Yes you!"

"Oh really?!" and before I knew it, I got her against the wall holding her tight with my body pressing against hers.

"Wtf you doi-" before she can continue I press my lips against hers. I link her lips asking for entrance but she denies it.

Seconds later I'm on the floor holding between my legs, she just hit me in the worst place a man can be hit.

"B**ch!" Then I feel something hard on my face, she slap me again.

She seriously needs to stop doing that.

She stormily walks away from me, "Wait Mary! We just having a little fun, stop being so boring"

Zayn P.O.V

Mary walks to the table with really piss, she's red right now.

"What's wrong?!" I ask her

"Um-Nothing" she gives me a smile but it doesn't reach her eyes. I know something is wrong. "Um- do you know where Carol is?"

"Eh last time I check she was Liam" I say

"Ok, then" she say and starts walking to where Liam is standing. She turns around "Bye, thank you for everything!" she smile

"Your welcome, bye" I smile back. She starts to walk away again. "Shit, her number" I mutter to myself.

I stand up from my sit and follow her, "Wait Mary!" I reach her arm. "Um can I get your number?!"

"Yeaa sure" she say kind of shock

I take out my phone "Here put it in my phone" and pass it to her. She smile while taking it, and putting her number.

"Here, nice meeting you Zayn" she says, giving my phone back.

"Nice meeting you too, Mary" I say and give her one of my famous winks.

She smiles and walks away to go find Liam.

Walking back to the table, I see Harry with a cup of ice and whiskey on his crotch. Niall is by his side laughing at him or something he said.

"What's wrong man?" I ask him

"That b**ch, Mary" he says

I start to get mad at him "What did you just called her?!"

"A b**ch" he repeat it.

"But tell him what you did to her?!" Niall says.

"What you do to her?!" I repeat getting frustrate.

"Man chill, well-" he starts

"Don't tell me to chill!" I mutter

"Whatever, well anyways, um I push her against a wall and kiss her" he tells me while drinking from the whiskey. "And then she hit me on my balls and slap me again" he finish telling me while putting the whiskey with ice on his face.

Niall is still laughing "she did a good job" he says.

"Wow man, congrats! Now you have a really nice girl hating your ass" I tell him piss.

"Whatever man, there's plenty of girls around the world and she's only one." he smirks

"Wow" I mutter and walk away to find Louis.

Mary P.O.V

I find Liam by the bar table. He is sitting alone and I got a bit worry.

"Where is Carol?" I ask

"Oh she left like 10 mins ago she seemed worried when I asked about her boyfriend, though" he replies in a worry tone.

"This b**ch really left me" I say piss, Liam is about to say something but I walk away before he could say anything.

As I'm walking out the club all I hear is screaming from the parking lot. I knew that voice, Carol. I run following the sound of her screams, she sounds scare and I could tell she is crying, when I reach her I see her arguing with Austin and I panic, I don't know what to do, the way he was holding her. It's dark but I could still see the anger in his face.

I try to run back into the club in search of the boys. I see that running with heels is not a good idea, so I take my heels off and start to run bare foot. Luckily Liam is still were I left him a couple of min ago. "LIAM!" I scream to get his attention.

"Carol, she in trouble I need your help. Her boyfriend is out there in the parking lot and he looks like his about to hit her" Liam without any hesitation ran outside.

I see Zayn and Louis who are closer than the other two boys and I tell to come out, to help out Carol. We are running as fast as we can.

When I got outside, Liam got Austin in his arm, ready to fight.


Hiiiiii there, I hope you like it and laugh as much as we did when we wrote. Please leave us your comment and VOTE! We would really appreciate it!!! We will try to update tomorrow or Sunday!

Tell us your favorie song at the moment :)

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