Chapter 13- Can't Wait

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Harry P.O.V

"I can't wait to go back home!" Zayn said while taking a spoon of his fruit salad. Right now we're at the venue in our dressing room getting prepare even tho is 5 in the afternoon.

"Make that two!" I said agreeing with him. This week been to crazy for me, I can't wait to be back home and relax.

"Of course man" Liam said padding my back.

"We only have tonight and tomorrow morning here, so lets do something fun lets go out!" Louis said while taking a sip of his juice.

"We have a concert tonight remember" Liam said

"Thats dont mean that we cant go after the concert Liam and plus tomorrow is your birthday!"

"Well you lads can go without me, I think im going to fly back home tonight after the concert" I said, Louis drop his mouth open and Niall looked back looking like his about to break his neck.

"There something really wrong with you lately, you would jump at the sight of going out but you rather fly back home?!" Zayn said

"Yea, Im feeling kind of home sick, and plus the concert is the only thing we need to and that's it" I said kind of lying.

"Come on Harold, tell us what's really wrong?" Liam said

"It's nothing, I'm just tire and feeling home sick" I said lying even tho some of it's true. "Really guys! We should go back to rehearsal, come on!" I said a little more excited and giving them a smile while they just nod and agreed.

*2 hours later*

We're back at the dressing room getting ready. Lou is doing our hair while Caroline is picking out our clothes. Right now Lou is doing Louis hair while Niall, Liam and Zayn are with Caroline. I'm just here waiting for my turn to do my hair. Im already change.

I take out my phone and see that Anne texts me. What now?!

I open it, "Harry prepare yourself tonight big news are on it's way!"

WTF! "What you mean?!" I text back

Seconds later, "Don't worry you will like it!"

"Anne what are you up to?!" I texted

"Just trying to save your career here so be graceful for it...Got It!!" she text me back.

I f*cking hating this! I just want to go back home and forget all this ever happen.

"Okay" I text back and sigh in frustration. Louis and Lou stare at me confuse. "It's nothing I just lost on Candy Crush" I lied and gave them a fake smile.

Mary P.O.V

"Carol!" I scream from the room, she's in the bathroom doing her hair while I look for something to wear in just my towel and undies.

"Yes boo?!"

"What I'm going to wear tonight?! It's already 5:50 and I got nothing!" .

"What you mean NOTHING?! What happen to the black jumpsuit?"

"Oooh Yeaa! I forgot about that! Thanks!" I look over my clothes over the closet. Thank god my period is over!

I been nervous since I sign that stupid contract! I starting to regret it, I feel like a f*cking slut cos I just literary sold my self. But I only said yes cos my mom. Early today, my mom and me had a talk.

**Flash Back**

After I got out the room, dressed up, "Ma can we talk really quick before you go?" I ask my mom.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now