Chapter 15- Contract

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Harry P.O.V

So since last night, Mary and I have to act like a fucking happy couple.

**Flash Back**

After the concert I had to pretend to be crazy in love. When I walk out, I kind of ran towards her and hugged her from behind. I only did this cos Mary and Anne were talking. So that means I have to act the way I'm acting now. I hate this but there's no turning back.

When I hugged Mary, she jumps and

Anne just nods in agreement, meaning I'm doing good.

"Awe!" I heard some people said.

"Good" she whispers loud enough that only us could hear.

"I heard you guys are going to celebrate Liam's birthday in a club now, so I want you two to continue acting this way, even more closer." she said. "Also when we get out of here, I need y'all to hold hands and keep your heads down, especially you Mary and none of you two answer any question just yet. okay?" she continues saying.

We both nod while I'm still holding her from behind. I'm taking advantage of the moment even though I can't stand her.

When we got out the venue, we had to hold hands, I wave to some fans but didn't answer to any of the questions just like Anne ask. When we got in the car, it was Zayn, Louis, Mary and me while Anne sits in the front seat. Then the rest went on another van.

Anne send a quick text saying that we should sit in the back seats cos it was more romantic. We didn't have no other choice but to obey.

Since the back is not that big, there wasn't a lot of space in between us, so our knees were touching. But we're not talking to each other, she's trying make a conversation with Zayn and Louis about comics, while I sit back and look through the window. Suddenly my phone vibrates. I open the phone and see that it's a new message from Anne in the convo.

Anne: 'Harry put your arm around Mary and get in the conversation. Also Mary lean in to Harry. Now!"

Mary: "okay"

Me: "w/e"

I put my phone away and put my arm around Mary. "So guys what's happening?!" I said and give a fake smile. She then lean in on me, putting her head on my shoulder.

"We're talking about Comics!" Louis said.

"We're on using some comics books on a van that we want." Zayn said. "Louis and I have to talk to the guy that is making the van for us." he continues explaining.

"Oh that's so cool! How you guys going to incorporate that on the van?" she asked.

"We really don't know how but we're going to talk with guy" Zayn said.

"Oh okay" I said.

"We're Here!" Anne said.

When we got out the van there was some paparazzi waiting for us already. When we got out, I have to help out Mary, just like a gentleman would do. The paparazzi continue taking pictures like crazy as Mary and I hold hands. "Ready?" I whisper in her ear and she just nods, as we walk.

Louis and Zayn are already in the club, Anne is behind us giving us the 'good job' stare. When we go in Anne text us again.

Anne: 'I want both of you dancing around and having a good time. Don't separate from each other, I also want you two smiling the whole night. GOT IT?!'

Me: 'Yes mum'

When I hit send I hear Mary laughing and I see that she saw my text. At least she found it funny while I see Anne giving the 'get serious' stare.

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