Chapter 38- At Peace?

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*A/N: Prepare for your feels and Tears*

Carol P.O.V.


It was a sunday afternoon. Winter was at its strongest. It was the end of January and it was snowing outside. Prick was in the kitchen fixing me and Leah sandwiches since my mom was at work and the alcoholic of my father was most likely spending his money on alcohol. I didn't understand why mom is still is with him. I love him I guess but I hate it when he hit mom. She will stay up very late as she cry and cry. I hate her seeing her like this. I really didnt know the reason behind all the screams and fight. Patrick was always lock in his room or was with me and Leah trying to calm us down while mom and dad was fighting.

Sometimes he was nice. He would come home and play with Leah or give me and Prick money for ice cream or candy. Today was clearly not that day. He came home are about 12 at night. He was stumbling a bit. We all stayed watching tv ignoring the fact that he is only feet away from us.

"Patrick where is your mother?'' He asked in avery loud voice. I gulp down adn I saw Leah get scared. I grabbed her hand and pull her closer to me.

"I-I dont know" Patrick responded.

"Excuse me?"

"S-she is not home dad" I said

"I wasnt talking to you" He snarl. He walked towards me and I got up putting Leah behind me.

"DAD" Patrick yelled a thim but he continue to walk towards me. I gulp.

"Daddy please" Leah whinned clearly scared to death. He grabbed my small shoulders and shook me. Tears began to fall.

''Leah move away" I said trying to sound strong for her but how much can a 8 girl pretend.

"DAD LET HER GO" I saw Patrick come to him and yank me from his grip. I feel down but went straight to Leah who was crying hasterically.

"Ohh so you think you can tell me what to do, I DO WHAT EVER THE FUCK I WANT I MADE YOU" dad was now screaming louder and I didnt know what to think or do. "Im going to teach you a lesson, you will never talk or look at me the way you just did" he said and with that smacked Patrick to the ground.

"DAD NOOO STOP'' I yelled but it was no use. He kept smacking him and I could see that Patrcik was bleeding for what I was guessing was his nose.

"Carol leave with L-Leah" Patrick siad trying to get himself free from his grip. I stood there motionless while I saw my own brother get beaten. I tried to leave tried to scream but I just stay there lifeless.

"CAROL LEAVE" he said as he finally got lose and ran upstair. My dad looked at us and went walking upstair I guess to look for him. I snapped back to reality and grabbed Leah by he arm. I put on her coat and gloves and scarf. I put my own coat on and we walked out the house. I left the door open and just ran out with Leah in my hip. She was crying and I didnt know how to stop her. I ran I ran until I was out of breath. but I wasnt to far. I put Leah down and neal down so I was her hight.

"Shush, shush dont cry Leah plese" I said whipping her tears away.

'b-but y-you a-are c-crying t-t-too" She hicopped.

"No no look no more tears" I said whipping them off. I had to be strong for her.

We walked around a bit. I didnt really know were to go. After all I 8.

"C-carol im h-hungry" Leah said.

"what do you want to eat" I said looking down at her. It getting more cold.

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