Chapter 19- Carnival

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Carol P.O.V

Finally the pilot said we were landing. Most the time we spend it sleeping, watching tv or talking.

I felt some type of way cos I finally going to see him again. I feel happy, nervous, excited, worried, and anxious. I can't stop the smile on my face when I see outside the window. London is such a beautiful place and Im glad they boys invited us to stay.

"Where here where here" Mary said with a smile on her face.

"I know you are so excited" I said with a weak smile. Lately I been feeling very weak.

"Well heck yeah, we are in London why wouldn't I be happy" she said as she got up.

"You girls are going to love it here" Harry said as he grab His and Mary's handbag. He lead are way out if the airplane and into a hallway in the airport that would lead us outside.

As we get closer to where the rest of the boys are waiting for us I start to get more nervous. After so many months I get to see Liam again. Sure I see him over FaceTime or Skype but is not the same as seeing him in person. Soon I feel a knot in my stomach and my hands start sweating a bit so I wipe them on my jeans.

"Your nervous aren't you" Harry said.

"What? um I guess just a bit" I said feeling my cheeks getting warm.

"Dont worry I bet you his nervous too" he said and he flashes a smile.

We finally reach the other boys and they all pit a smile on their faces once they saw us. My eyes quickly went to Liam. He had bag under his eyes and he look like he haven't slept in days but once his eyes landed on me he smile and there was a sparkle in his his. Louis ran to Harry and they hugged like if they haven't see each other in months and not only two days.

"Boo bear oh how I missed you" Louis said.

"I missed you too boobear" Harry said.

Zayn went to Mary and say his welcoming by giving her a bear hug and Mary jumping in his arm.

"Mary, it so nice to see you again" he said as he gave her a hug. Me on the other hand was saying hi to Niall.

"Carol is nice seeing you again" he said as he gave me a bear hug.

"Hi Niall" I said.

We pulled apart and it was my turn to say hi to Louis.

"Carol hi, how was the flight love?" he asks as he pulls me to a hug.

"It was good tiring but good"

"Thats nice,now go say hi to your Prince I know you both are dying to say your welcome" he whisper into my ear and I couldn't help but blush because he was right, I was dying to say hi to Liam. We pull apart and and he gave me a mischievous smile before walking back to were Harry and Mary were.

Liam walk in my direction once he saw I was alone. My heart stared to beat faster and I felt my hands getting shaky.

"Hi Carol" he said with a shy voice.

"Hi Liam" I said. We both stood there for a couple of seconds , our eyes not breaking contact. It was silence for a couple of seconds until he spoke,

"I missed you so much" he said his voice breaking a bit and pulling me into a tight hug. I immediately hugged him back and It felt like the world had stop around us. My breathing slow down and my nerves calmed down something about being in his arms calm me down, makes me feel like I don't need to worry about nothing or nobody else.

He got his head on top of mine and I had my head against he's chest. We stayed like that for like it felt like an eternity but really it was a couple of seconds. We were in out little happy bubble, before we got interrupt by someone clearing their throats.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now