Chapter 20- Tragic Date

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Mary P.O.V

Harry and I were sitting in the couch watching 21 Jump Street. Liam and Carol left not too long who know where too but Im happy that Carol has found Liam. Our life have been so different after we met the boys. Who knew that two girl going to see their favorite group would end up being friends or hopefully in Carol case more than friends. We are half the movie and both our phone vibrated and we immediately knew who it was.

Anne: Its been a while, Harry take Mary on a date.

Both Harry and me just rolled our eyes and responded with a 'yes'.

"Where do you want to go love?" Harry asks.

"I dont know you're the one planning this date so you choose" I said with a wink. It really didn't bother me that much that Harry and me have to act like a couple.

"Well since I have to take you on a date lets go to dinner and then the club... Unless you want to skip all of that and have some extra fun" He said with a wink and I just laughed.

"Harry Edward Styles are you trying to seduce me" I said playing along with him.

"Maybe I can't just let you go without seening me naked" He winked getting closer to me.

"HARRY" I said slaping his arm a bit. He pouts his lip and rub the area I slapped him.

"Oui that hurt you know" He whined and I just laughed.

"Oh please stop being a big baby" I said in between small chuckles. "We should go back to your house so we could go get dress" I said.

"Yeah lets go"

We left Liam flat and in about 15 minutes we were back at Harry house. He went in the shower first as I look for an outfit to wear. After about 20 minutes of going through clothes I decided to on my black wrap crop top, with a black/red plaid leather skirt, Leather jacket with red high heels. Soon Harry came out the shower with only a towel and his hair was wet from his shower. I couldn't help but to stare at his growing abs, his V-line perfectly visible. I may not have any feelings for Harry but I couldn't deny the fact he was hot and as some girls may refer to him as a 'sex god' and they couldn't be wrong.

"Take a picture it would last longer" He said smiling showing off his adorable dimples.

"Shut it Styles" I said feeling my cheeks getting red. I got up and walk to the bathroom passing him. I stood under the shower for about 30 minutes. I just stood there thinking about everything that has been happening to my life. When I got out Harry was already dress. He was wearing black dress pants with a black shirt and black leather jacket that ironically goes perfect with my outfit.

"Out so I could get dress please" I said and Harry just frowns.

"Aweee I thought that maybe I can stay"

"No you cannot, know leave please" I said pointing my fingers towards the door. He pouts a bit but he leave the room with no other more comments. I change and did my makeup, smokey eyes with red lipstick and a tad of blush. I decided to flat my hair instead of curling . In about an hour and a half I was ready, I look myself one last time in the mirror satisfy with how I look before walking out to meet Harry in the living room.

"Wow you look beautiful Mary" Harry said as I approached him.

"Thanks" I said with a shy voice.

"So where are we going?" I asked him as I sat next to him on the couch.

"We are going to eat and then clubbing" He said.

"No shit Sherlock, I mean like the name of the restaurant'' I said rolling my eyes a bit but a playful way.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now