Chapter 22- The After Math

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Mary P.O.V

After I send Carol home, I went back in and sat down on the waiting room.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, this is all my fault cos I was the one who scream at her for some stupid shit. She's in that bed because I was stupid enough to say that I don't want her in my life.

I sat on the floor with my head on my knees and I cry without stopping. I cried loud ugly sobs. I don't know how long I stayed like that when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Mary?" a male voice said.

I look up with my watery eyes, to see Harry kneeling in front of me.

"Harry" I let out a sob and the tears continue to pour.

"Oh Mary" he hug me tight and I put my head on his chest.

"It's my fault!" I repeatedly sob.

"Don't say that baby, it's not your fault" he rocks me from side to side and give kisses on my head.

"Yes it is cos I-I tol-d her tha-t" I couldn't finish cos I stated to sob harder.

Harry P.O.V

"Yes it is cos I-I tol-d her tha-t" she didn't finish cos started to cry harder.

"Sssh it's okay" I said and kiss her forehead. "It's not your fault" I said again.

"I told her that I wish I was the only child" she said sob loudly. "I'm the worst, it's all my fault!"

"No it's not" I hug her tighter not knowing what else to do. We still in the floor and people are staring with pity. I really don't care, right now I just care that she feel save.

"Y-yes i-it is" she stutter.

"Mary you have to stop saying that" I whisper against her hair. "She's going to be just fine, don't you worry" I mutter, I feel some tears escape my eyes as I try to hold it back.

"How you know uhh?"

"Cos I just know" I said not really knowing what else to say, I just say this cos if I was in the same position as her I would like someone to tell me this. "She's going to be fine"

We stay quiet for a while and just hugged. I was against the wall with her in my arm, cuddling on the floor. It was like this for a few, we didn't care about the other people. Mary continues crying uncontrollably, loud sobs.

After a few I try to talk to her again "Hey hey when was the last time you ate something?"

She looks up from my chest, her eyes were puffy red. She took a few seconds to answer "I don't know, since this morning" she tells me while I take her crunchy and put her hair in a pony tail.

"Do you want to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry" she looks down to her hands and the tears are still falling.

"You have to eat something" I told her "Diana would like to see you healthy when she wakes up and you have to be strong for your mum" I tell her truthfully while cleaning her tears away with my thump.

"But-"she's starts

"No buts, come on" I interrupt her and start to stand up even though she's on my lap. She stands up and looks down at me while I try to stand.

"Come on let's go" I said while standing up and holding her hand. I pull her to the cafeteria area.

"I'm not hungry" she said as we got on the elevator.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now