Chapter 36- Baby Shower

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*1 month Later*

Carol P.O.V.

Right now I feel like a big burrito that is growing another one. Does that even make sence. What ever. I am freezing and Im wrapped in about 3 blankets and i have a sweater on top of everything. It was about 5 in the afternoon. Mary had left to work a couple of minutes ago to work. I was in bed trying to get warm as I watch the 4th season on Pretty Little Liar. I was so into it that I didnt heard the front door open but I heard it close. I look at the time. 5:50. Mary is not home and nobody else got a key. I heard foot steps getting closer to my room.

"OMG" I whisper to myself. I somehow manage to get out from all the blankets and got up and grab the first thing that was at my reach. I waited as I heard the foot step getting closer and closer to my door. The door nob turn and the door slowly opened. Omg Omg. The door swong open and Liam appeared holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and his luggage on the other hand.


"Carol, you wasnt going to harm nobody with a purple flurrt lamp" He said pointing at my lap,

''Well you never know" I said and I put it down on the bed. "How you got here anyways"

''Well thats a nice way to welcome your boyfriend after not seeing him for almost a month" He said. I immidiatly smile and walk uo to him giving him a hug and a passionate kiss. After that kiss I realize how much I missed him. We eventually pulled apart and he handed me the flowers.

''This is are for you, I wanted them as beautiful as you but I realize that impossible," awww.

"Aww, arent we being cheesy today" I said as a smile.

"yeah you know you love it" he said.

"Maybe I do maybe I dont" I said. "How about we put this on water" He nods and we walk out the room to find a vase. "So you never really told me how you got here?" I said as I fill the vase with water.

"Well easy, Mary gave me a spare key so I could be able to surprice you" He said.

''Well Im very surprised" I said giving him a quick kiss. After I finish putting the roses in the vase We walk back to the room and I place the roses in the stand next to Leah's crib. He sat down on the bed and took his shoes off as I climbed back in the bed.

"So what are you watching babe?" He ask.

"Pretty Little Liars" I said happily.

"Oh yeah I heard about this show" he said and I looked at him smiling.

"Have you watched it" I said.

"I have seen some episode with Nicola, but I get so confused" aww.

"Yeah you just have to pay really close attention to it" I said. I patted the empty side of my bed for him to lay down with me. He immediately took the sign and crawled in the bed with me. I rested my head on the crook of his neck as he put his arm around me.

"I love this" I whisper in his ear. "I love just me and you"

"I love it too babe"

We continue to watch pretty little Liars until the end of the season where I was in total shock.

"Wow, that all happened to her?" Liam said as he stretched. He was so into it that we really didn't talk for like 4 hours.

"Yeah and happy that we had a glimpse of what happened to Alison then night she went missing" I say

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now