Chapter 4- After Party!

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Mary P.O.V.

I only said yes because Zayn was there and I know I wouldn't hear the end of it the ride back home. I'm really not in the mood of partying, I hate having my period.

'You turned down Harry Styles for work? You must be out your mind? Are you stupid?!'

I just know those would be Carol's words. Plus I guess it would be fun to party with celebrities. Harry offer to drive us to the party but I decide to follow them in my car.

When we got in the car I notice Carol was very quiet and I couldn't quite put my finger on why she hasn't said a word about parting with One Direction.

I turned the radio on & What Makes You Beautiful by 1D came one & I think that brought Carol back to herself. No I don't think I know she stared screaming and singing along, she a pretty good singer but I can't stop laughing while following Harry's car.

"OMG... Me, you and the lads are going to party, tonight this has been THE best day of our life woooohooo" she screamed loud enough I'm pretty sure people in china heard her. The girl is really nuts.


I couldn't be more excited than what I was but I promised myself I was going to act as normal as possible after all they are just normal lads with millions of fans no biggie.

Does my makeup on right? How about my hair? Tell me is still look normal, I said to Mary while she park next to Harry's car in the parking lot.

"It looks per-fect girl relax" she said with a smirk on her face.

We got out the car and we met the lad right outside the club.

"You girls ready to have some fun tonight?" Harry said with the biggest smile showing his adorable dimples.

"OH yea we are" we both said at the same time, this made the lads laugh and we all walk into the club.

The club was quite packed and the music was blasting I just know it was going to be the best night.

Harry asked us what we wanted to drink, we was going to start strong tonight.

"Two tequilas please" I said with a smirk on my face.

Mary and Harry have been talking almost the entire night they been drinking and dancing. I stayed with the other lad we were laughing and drinking the night couldn't get any better.

Liam and I had become drinking buddies. Man he's so down to earth and knows how to have fun. I know I'm drunk when I'm seeing more than one Liam. I'm drunk more than him I don't know how I'm going to make it home. Liam Helps me to my seat and I stop drinking, we couldn't stop laughing on how I was walking. I start to sober up. Liam and I start to have conversation; we were talking about his relationship with Sophia.

"She is like the best you know, she is really funny and I love being around her" he say and his face light up when he talk about her. He's really loves her.

"But you see sometimes, it feels different; like she don't want to be with me, she be acting different the last couple of weeks and I can't put a finger on it" he say with sad tone and a worry face. "It's probably nothing Liam, I know she cares about you as much as you do for her" I said hoping this would make him happy again.

"What about you huh? Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks

"Um yeah I do his name is Austin" I say shyly. (Pic on the side)

"How is he like? Are you guys like madly in-love?" he asks with a smirk in his face and moving his eyebrows. I don't laugh, maybe in other circumstances I would but not in this case.

"I'm not in-love with him, him on the other hand is" he looks at me with a puzzle face as if I confuse the sh*t out of him. "I've been trying to break up with him, he is an abusive guy, and he wants things his way & if they are not he will get very aggressive."

Crap. I've told. I told Liam about Austin and his abusive way. No one knows not even Mary. I want to tell her but it would just complicate things. I just know it would

"I'm so sorry, you don't have to stay in the relationship never less an abusive one" he say, I feel my eyes getting watery and I need to get out of here. Memories came flowing back and I try to push them away. No one must know. No one.

"I'm sorry Liam I need to go, thanks for a wonderful night." I turned around but I feel his hand grabbing me, stopping for leaving. "Wait; before you leave save my number I would like to see you again you seem an amazing person to be around" I take the number and rushed out, I didn't even say bye to the rest of the guys or Mary, and I left without her. I have to.


Harry hasn't left my side all night, it's so annoying. I'm trying to have a conversation with Zayn and Louis about their girlfriends.

"Can you please stop talking to me Harry? You drunk right now." I whisper and making eye contact with him. "I'm not in the mood" I took the chance that Louis and Zayn stat to talk about some comics books.

"Come on babe lets have some fun" he say smirking and touching my leg. I smack his hand, trying to control my anger. I feel like I want to slap him really bad, I hate when people bother me when I got my period.

"Can we dance, Zayn, please?" I ask while giving disgust faces to Harry.

"Yea sure, love but you know I don't dance" Zayn say while laughing a bit.

"It's good cos I'm not a good dancer either" I smile.

We get up and head over the dance floor, it was kind of crowed but we made our way and start to dance.

"You're a good dancer" Zayn says and I start to blush a little. Suddenly I feel an arm around my waist pulling me closer. But the thing is that it's not Zayn. I turn around and see that it's Harry.

That's when I lost it and slap him in the face. I hear some "oooh and aahs" from Zayn and some people who witness what just happen. I walk away from everyone and go to the bathroom.


And there goes chapter 4, we enjoyed writing and we hope you enjoy reading it. I felt that slap like if I was the one that got slapped LOL. Sorry if we took too long to update we will try to update real soon bare with us. School is stressfully. BTW you guys should know that my crush knocked down my brand fresh out the oven cookie down, and then hugged me. That asshole. (Carol)

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