Chapter 9- The Date

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Mary P.O.V.

I went out took the keys of Carol's car and drove. Where? I don't know. I need to clear my mind. Maybe I was a little too harsh to Carol, she need to me at this moment. I just don't get why she needs to talk to him. Matter fact I don't know why she love this boy. Not only this, but I have a date with Harry to top everything of. Why did I have to go to the stupid after party? Why I had to meet him. I turn the radio on. First song to play 'Live While we're Young', "You have to be kidding me" I screamed the last thing I need is to listing to Harry. Yet I didn't change the station just because I hate Harry don't mean I hate One Direction after all I am a Directioner.

I think I'm obsessed with coffee, I drink more than my high school history teacher. And she drank more than 4 cups a day. I stopped at the Starbuck that we always go and lucky for me today it was quite empty, I order a White Chocolate Mocha. I sat next to the window taking small sips and thinking about everything.

I receive a text from Zayn, "Hey, what's good?"

"Nothing here drinking a Starbucks. You?" I text back

Seconds later "Here just bore. Oh which Starbucks?"

"The one where we met" I text smiling

"Oh okay, I'm on my way there"

"Um ok?"

5 minutes later I felt a hand resting on my shoulder. I turn around to see Zayn with dark shades, beanie and holding a cup of tea.

" Hi Zayn!" I say

"Hey, why are you here all alone? Where is Carol?" He said while taking a sit next to me "Is she okay? We are all worried about her?"

"I needed time to think everything through and she's okay, I'm guessing she's back sleeping or she went out to talk to Austin" I cringe at the sound of his name escaping my mouth.

"She what? She wouldn't go back to him. Would she?" He said shock in his face.

"I don't know, maybe, we were talking and ending up fighting because of him. She told me she loves him, Can you believe it cos I can't" I said anger building up.

"Wow, but maybe she just wants answers. Answer you or nobody else can't give her only him" he said. Maybe the British boy is right but I still don't want her anywhere near him or even alone.

"But they could talk it through the phone, I can't accept the idea of her being in the same room with that jerk" I said

"This is not something you can fix through the phone Mary, this has to be fix, face to face" He said while taking a sip of tea. These British boys sure like his tea. I chuckle.

"So Zayn, why you love tea so much huh?" I said chuckle while taking a sip of my coffee.

"Why do you love coffee so much?" he said

"Hey don't you mess with my coffee" I said slapping his arm a bit

"Ouch that hurt me...a lot " he said acting as if I really hurt him.

"You're a bad actor, stick to the singing please" We erupt in laughter. We eventually stop finishing our rest of our drink.

"I should go and apologize to her, she needs me I should stop being a bitch and be with her through whatever she decides. Thanks for everything Zayn" We hugged and he kissed my cheek then all of the sudden a flash when off and when we look up the guy or women was gone.

"I guess I'll see you in the magazine tomorrow" he laughed it off, I felt a tad worry, he's engage I don't want this ruin anything between him and Perrie, I flash him a quick smile before I left the cafe.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now