Chapter 6- Awkward

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Carol P.O.V

-10 mins earlier-

I come out of the club stumbling, "Hey, Carol!!" I know that voice.

"Wtf are you doing here, Austin!?" I ask him confuse and angry.

"I called your phone a lot of times, left more than 25 voicemails" he tells me while grabbing me by the arm and drag me to the parking lot.

"How did you find me here?!"

"I use the tracking app on my phone to find yours" he says with a smirk.

"Wtf is wrong with you?!"

"Babe, I was worry about you!" He says when we got to his car. "Now get in the car, we're leaving"

"I don't want to go with you, I will take a taxi" I say angry.

"No you're not!" He screams at me and pushes me against his car.

"Leave alone!" I scream at him, I'm starting to get nervous and feel my eyes getting watering.


"Don't let me repeat myself!" he scream and push me harder against the car.

"I don't want to go with yo-" I didn't even finish cos I was on the floor, he just hit me!

My tears start to fall and I can't control it. He's about to hit me again, but someone got his arm; I don't know who is it cos my eyes are too watery. Seconds later someone is next to me "Are you ok?!"

It's Louis! I clean my eyes with the back of my hand, not on a fancy way. I try to speak but nothing comes out, only a whim. He wraps he arms around me and helps me up.

"OMFG are you ok?!" Mary asks me when she gets by my side and I hug her tied.

When I look towards Austin direction and see that Liam is top of him, hitting him.

"Please STOP!!" I finally scream tears continue falling.

Zayn is getting Liam off of Austin. "Man stop it, he's not worth it!"

Liam controls himself and start to fix himself. Austin stands up stumbling; he's against his car bleeding. It went silence for at least 5 seconds. When nobody least expect it, Austin hit Liam by the jaw. Liam fell to the floor, Louis let go off me and go help Zayn to hold Austin against the car.

Liam P.O.V

I don't know what came over me but I needed to hit him hard enough so he can suffer.

"Please STOP!!" I hear Carol scream.

"Man stop it, he's not worth it!" Zayn tells me while pushing me off this idiot. It's true he's not worth it but still he needs to suffer a little.

I stand up from him, and start to fix myself. I see his poor ass stumbling standing up and holding himself from the car. Suddenly he hit me on my jaw and I fall to the floor. Seconds later Louis and Zayn are by his side holding him against the car. I stand up with Mary's help, Carol is still crying.

I take my phone out of my pocket and call Preston. (Bodyguard), "Hey, um- we need your help." I tell him when he pick up the phone "yea, we're outside the club" I hang up. While wrapping an arm around Carol.

Thanks god there's not a lot of paparazzi, only like three. But this is not pretty for the management and the newspaper.

1 min later he's outside with Paul, Harry, Niall and Preston.

"Wtf happen here?!" is the first question that Paul asks. I let go of Carol, so Mary can hold her.

"Well this mother f**ker here" I point towards the guy direction and continue talking, "hit our friend Carol, and he was about to do it again"

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now