Chapter 31-Findings

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Zayn P.O.V.

"Why? What did I ever do to you that you're being so distant with me?" She said as she catch up to me and take a hold of my left arm so I can turn around to look at her.

When I do, I wasn't ready, I was emotional unstable, I got tears rolling down as I smoking a cigarette to help me with my emotions. She let out a gasp as she is shock.

I look away as I clean my face with my right hand and then take the cigarette out of my mouth, to hold it on my hand. I look at her and my arm as I see that she's still holding me and looking at me with worry eyes. "What?" I say as I clear my throat and take a puff of my cigarette.

After a moment "Why you crying?" she asks still holding tight.

I move myself from her hold since I'm stronger than her. "It's non of your business" I said coldly to her. "Plus why would you care?" I ask as I start to walk away from her again as fast as I can.

She still follow me silently behind me like a lost puppy. After at least 8 more minutes I reach the bottom of boardwalk. I sat down and stare out the ocean as I take out another cigarette. I was stressed and confuse as f*ck, so the cigarette helps. When I put it on my mouth and light it, Mary takes it out my mouth and throw it on the sand floor.

"It's suppose to be a metaphor." She whispers as she steps on it and I look at her confuse and mad.

"Why you did that for?!" I stand and scream at her.

"Cos it gives you F*CKING CANCER!" She screams the last part and stand in front of me as she look at me in the eyes.

"What if I don't care about it!?" I look at her annoyed. I felt something sharp on my face, as I realize she just slap me! "What the f*ck Mary?!" I scream and take hold of both of her wrists

"YOU SHOULD COS I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!" She screams. "LET ME GO! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" She said as tears start to form in her eyes.

I start to let go of her wrist "I'm s-sor-ry" I say kind of shock of what I just did and tears start to fall again as I sat on the rock again. I look at her and she looks worry.

"What's wrong with you Zayn?" she sobs as she shakes a little but no tears fall "What's happening, I thought we were friends?" That's when the tears start to come out.

"I d-don't know" I put my head in my hands and start to cry. Suddenly I feel to pair arms around me. I let go of my head and wrap my arms around Mary's body as my head rest on her stomach. She suddenly starts to past her hand through my hair.

"I-it's okay" she stutters as she put her hand under my chin "You can tell me" she said when we look eye to eye. Her eyes are getting puffy red since she's crying too. She removes her hands from my hair and looks down at me as I look up at her.

I remove my hands from around her "I-I'm just so confuse" I said as I move so she can sit on the rock too.

She looks at the rock and then she sits down. "About?"

I sigh "I really don't know" I said trying to be believable as possible. I don't want to tell her how I really feel cos it might cause a chaos.

"But you have to speak with someone and let someone help you with those problems." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder as she look at me. "Why you not talking to me like before?" she ask as I see a tears roll down her eyes.

I take hold of her hand from my shoulder and hold both of her hands in mine. "I will I promise, I'm just not ready, when I clear my head and go back home for a couple days I think I be find. I just miss home, you know." I said as I play with her fingers like I used to play with Perrie's. I look up and clear her tears with my thumb "It's not you, trust me there's nothing wrong. I just miss Perrie a lot and it hurts me seeing you and Harry together cos I want to be with my baby." I said as I pull her for a side hug. I put my arm around her and hug her as she rest her head on my shoulder.

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