Chapter 12- Should I?

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Carol P.O.V

I wonder what Anna was talking to Mary about. I was bored out my mind and there was nothing really to do. Diana was sleeping and Grace too, so I decide to watch a movie as I wait for Mary to get home. Since I was in the mood to laugh I decided to watch Kevin Hart; laugh at my Pain. I Love this dude. 30 Minutes into the movie I was dying of laughter. I looked down at my phone and see I have a miss called from Liam. I quickly dial his number

"Hello this is Liam" I chuckle a bit at the way he answered his phone

"Well hello Liam"

"Carol, How you been love?"

"I’ve been good how about you?''

"Good to us are getting ready for a secret concert tomorrow tonight!''

''That’s great Liam I hope you guys have fun, where are you know?'' I asked

"We are at the for venue’s sound check''

''Oh that’s cool, question not trying to be rude but why you called me" I said hoping he didn’t took it the wrong it. He laughed at my question and I made a face, but the reminded myself that he can’t see me.

"I called because I want to see if you and Mary would like to come to the concert tomorrow tonight.''

"Um I don’t know Liam I don’t think it would be a good idea for Mary and Harry too see each other” I said

"Well they don’t have too you can come for the rest of us and not him, come one I know you guys want to please" He said begging into the phone while I just laughed " The rest of us we love for you to come right Louis" he yelled into the phone while calling Louis. “YESS" I heard other 2 more yes from the other boys and since there was nothing important happening tonight I might as well go to a concert

"Okay okay will go but you have to keep Harry away from Mary understood Liam Payne" I said truing to sound as strict as possible.

"Yes mother" He said into the phone and I Just chuckle "Well I have to go, we need to finish sound check. By the way it starts at 8, I will send you the address of the venue in a text. Don't tweet it or post it on your secret update account." He laugh and I join him awkwardly. If only he knew.

"Okay bye Liam" I hanged up then started walking toward the room. I need to find something to wear. Half of my clothes were ether on the bed or the floor.

"URGG" I screamed in frustration I didn't want to go classy but I didn't want to look like I just threw the first thing on. This is just sad.

"Maybe tea would help it always does" I said out loud. I made my way towards the kitchen, looking for the pot to boil the water. 8 minutes later my tea was ready and I felt so happy. As I’m sipping on my tea I hear the door unlock. Yay she's home finally I get to know the dirt.

"Mary is that you?'' I asked peeking my head out the room

"Yea it’s me" with that I made my way to the living room

“So how everything went" I asked with the cheekiest smile.

"Uhh e-everything when f-fine " She said stuttering

“You stutter why? You never stutter, you only stutter when you hiding something, Spill it Mary"

"Everything is fine trust me" She said and is still wasn't fully convince "So what did Anne want?”

“To tell me how great the date when and that know Harry is having good publicity again, so my job is done" She said I wanted to believe her but there something she is not telling me and I need to know what is it.

Little White Lies (Harry & Liam Fanfic) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now