Epilogue- Mary & Harry 'Where We Belong'

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Harry P.O.V

Doctors run in and start working with her, I feel someone pushing me away from her but I don't move, I hold tighter to her hand.

"No Mary don't do this!" I cry against her as I hold her "Please wake up!" I shake her.

"Please step away from her." Someone says.

"No she can't die and leave me" I sob as two people push me away from her. "Let me go, I can't leave her." I scream as I got push against a wall.

I try to get away from their hold but they hold me tighter and lead me outside the room. As they got me outside I see the doctor ripping her gown open and then holding the Automated External Defibrillators (AED) ready to shock her. Her chest rises from the bed as the shock hit her skin. Everything was moving in slow motion as they close the door in front of me. They let me go and I felt to my knees as I feel my world stumbling down. I got my head down and sob my heart away.

Suddenly I was touch by my shoulder. "Are you her relative?" I look up to see the doctor that was attending her earlier.

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend" I stand up and try to clean my tears. "Ho-How is she?" I mumble.

He looks down and shake his head "I'm sor-" he starts.

"Don't you dare say sorry" I shake my head in angry.

"We did everything in our hands to save her." he said as he put his hand on my shoulder again.

"No" I mumble "No!" I yell at him and move away from him "You lying" I stumbled back to the wall. "Please" as new tears start to fall.

"I am truly sorry sir." he said and put his head down once again and starts walking away. "I need to tell the rest of the family." he informs.

"Don't" I said and clean my tears. I take a deep breath "I'll tell them" I mumble and pass him. I make my way to where Grace, Diana and Jacob are. To my surprise Carol, Liam, Niall, Lindsy, Zayn and my parent are here. My mom is holding Jacob.

I hold back my tears as I walk towards them and stand in front of Grace. She looks up from her seat "How's is M-?" I knee down to her and hug her tight. I let her seek in what just happen.

"No, Harry please tell me everything is okay" she mumble as she tries to pull me away but I hug her tighter. "Please tell me my little girl is okay" she starts to sob. "Please" she hits me a little and then hugs me tight as she cries. I don't cry as I hug, I try to be strong for her and Diana. Oh god Diana. I look at her and she's shaking as Carol hold her. I extend my arm for her and she run towards me, and I hug her and Grace.

I look up and shake my head to the rest of the guys. They all look at me in shock and start to cry.

"I'm so sorry" I mumble as I hug them tighter. I feel Grace shake as she starts to cry louder and hold onto my shoulders.

"No my sister can't be dead" Diana starts to breath heavily and shake her head. I kiss her forehead and hug her tighter.

"I'm so sorry" I mumble again and again.

***Funeral Day***

I stare at the ground full of pebbles and green grass. My brown shoe dirty with the dirt, that I knew she hated it cause I wore it too much, but she also loved. I can't even look up from my shoes cause I know if I see her coffin, I would lose it. I play with the flower in my hands as to distract myself.

For the pass few days I had feel like a total zombie, I don't eat or talk much. Jacob been staying with my mom, since I don't know what to do and I'm not being able to think.

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