Sirens : Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV

It was raining outside as my mother took me home from school. I hate school, I'm in 8th grade and am bullied everyday. None of the teachers or principals do anything to stop it so usually I will cry myself to sleep.

"How was your day?" My mother asked from the driver's seat.

"Like always." I told her knowing it was.

"I'm sorry honey." My mother said frowning in the driver's seat.

"It's not your fault." I tell her as I grab my phone.

She doesn't know what to say so I plug in my ear buds and blast my music. My music is my lifeline. I look out the window as I blast my favorite song, Fallen Angel by Black Veil Brides. Looking out, I see so many houses that hold happy people. If you can't notice I'm depressed. Finally, I saw we were pulling into the driveway. I got out of the car and went inside.

"Hi, Princess!" I say as I pet the dog on her head and walk up the stairs to my room.

Princess follows me up the stairs and to my room. Flopping on my bed, I thought about all of my rude classmates.

You are so ugly!
Can you just die already?
I hate you, get away from me!
Go kill yourself.

I tried not to cry but the tears just flowed. Sobbing on my bed, I curled into a ball and let it all out.

"Bark bark!" Princess barked at the window.

"What, princess?" I asked her as I went over to the window with stinging eyes.

Looking out the window, I saw a shadow go behind the tree.

"It was just a branch." I told Princess as I sat on my bed and blasted my music.

Princess stopped barking but then rapidly barking.

"Princess, come here." I said patting the bed.

She jumped up on the bed and curled unto a ball although she kept her head watching the window. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone.


I'm sorry that they treat you like that. I'll be your friend, Isabella.

Confused on who this is, I texted back.

Sorry, wrong number. I'm not Isabella.

I set my phone on my lap as I looked at the ceiling.


But you are. I have the correct number.

Who are you then?


Sorry, I don't know a Frank.

Yes you do, I'm your father.

No, my father isn't named Frank.

But he is.

Nope, you have to have the wrong number.

Nope, right number. Your old name is Alexis or Lexi for short. Your last name is Scott. Alexis Scott for now.

Who are you?

I told you, Frank, your father.

No, my father is not Frank.

But he is.

I got annoyed of this random man and stopped answering.

"LEXI!!!" My mother yelled for me.

The stairs carpet was being spread as I ran down them.

"Yes mom?" I asked her.

"Dinner is ready." My mother said.

My mother, father, and I sat in silence except for the sound of the clanking of forks on the glass plates.

"How was your day at work?" My mother asked my father.

"It was good, how was yours?" My father asked my mother as I sat bored in my seat.

"It was okay, all I did was clean the house up a bit and relaxed the rest of the day." My mother told my father.

My father's eyes turned hard and icy.

"You cleaned a BIT? And then RELAXED?" My father said as my mother's eyes held fear.

"Y-yes." My mother said.

"You know what that means." My father said as my mother looked scared.

I've never witnessed this and now that I am, I'm calling the police. My mother started to scream and I ran to the hallway so my father couldn't hear the conversation.

911, What's your emergency?
My father is beating my mother and she is screaming. We live on 56821 Oak Street.
Okay, officers are coming over.
Thank you.

I hung up the phone knowing I had to help my mother.

"STOP IT!" I screamed.

My father looked at me with the same hard, icy, evil eyes. I knew he would try to make me regret it.

"Get your butt over here!" My father yelled as he let go of my mother as he ran at me.

I had to do something so I ran but he was too fast. My mother ran after him and went to tackle him but couldn't since he weighs so much more. Instead of her tackling him he punched her in the face and she fell to the ground unconscious. Blood was pouring out of her nose as I realized I'm screwed.

"GET BACK HERE, ALEXIS GRACE!" My father yelled using my middle name which shows I am in big trouble.

Before I close the door and lock it, my father grips my shirt and pulls me out of the room.

"You will pay." My father said as he tackled me to the ground.

He pinned my hands and a shock of speed and energy hit the side of my face.

"Owwww! HELP!" I screamed hoping neighbors would hear me.

Next, a blow hit my eye and spread to my cheek.

"Ahhhhhh!!!! HELP!!!" I screamed the loudest I possibly could.

Then, the last blow, hit my jaw and everything went black.

Mike's POV (Lexi's Father)

That mistake of a child finally passed out unconscious. Making my way back to my wife, I heard sirens. Quickly, I grabbed Jenny and headed out the back door leaving the mistake.

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