The Bag : Chapter 14

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Lexi's POV

Awoke from the sun in the distance, Jazz started to lick my face. I don't know what time it is but I'm guessing around 6:00. Looking around, nobody was around. THANK GOD!

"Come on, Jazz." I say as I get up.

She jumps up and I grab her in my arms.

"Let's go. We don't want those people finding us." I said to Jazz.

Jazz licked my face in response leaving my cheek having a trail of slobber. Walking through the forest, I heard a crack. It must have been an animal stepping on a stick... right? Looking around, I saw nothing in sight except trees. I kept walking and finally met some stores.

"May I help you?" A lady asked when I walked in.

"Um, yes. Do you have a phone I could use?" I asked.

"Uh, yes. Here." She said as she handed me a phone.

I went to the corner of the room and dialed my mother's number.

Hey, it's Lexi.
Honey, please come back.
No, you will never let me see Frank again.
Where are you? I will come get you.
No, I'm leaving.
Lexi, no please don't. I love you.
Well you don't lie to people you love.
Lexi, I'm at a hotel in Fresno. Where are you?
I'm not telling you.
You don't have money, food, shelter, nothing.
I don't care. I'm never going back to you.
Why? Because I lied?
No, but also yes.
Well what else did I do?
You set the FIRE which killed Trina and Isabella.
No, he is lying.
No, you are lying.
Lexi, where are you going to go?
I don't know. I just know I'm not going back to you.
Lexi, you have to.
No, I don't.

I quickly hung up the phone so I would never have to hear from her again.

"Sorry, I took long." I said as I handed the phone back to the lady.

"No problem." She said smiling.

I smiled back and started to the door but she stopped.

"Wait, how old are you?" She asked me.

"I'm fourteen." I said to her.

"Where are your parents?" She asked.

"Jail and the other is waiting outside." I said lying about the last part.

"Oh, okay." She said before I walked out the door.

Walking on the sidewalk, I knew I had to eat soon.

"Alexis!" Someone yelled from behind me.

Sprinting as fast as I could, my mother was still chasing me.

"Alexis, please. At least let me give you food and money." She said.

I stopped where I was and she followed my actions, doing the same.

"Okay." I said waiting.

She walked up to me very slowly. I watched her every move, they were very slow. As she slowly walked up to me, I found out her plan.

"You have the cops coming don't you? That is why you're so slow!" I yelled at her enraged by her actions.

"No, Alexis-" She said.

I didn't give her the chance to finish because I knew she had the cops coming.

"Alexis, take this!" She yelled and threw a duffel bag at me.

Quickly, I grabbed the duffel bag and scrambled to run away from her. It pained me a little as I saw her crying on the sidewalk but I can't go back to her.

Once I was out of sight in the forest, I opened the bag and found a water bottle, food, dog food, and money at the bottom. Surprisingly, I didn't see anything she could track me with. Getting out the bag of dog food, I put some in my hand and let Jazz eat. I grabbed some crackers from the bag and plopped a couple in my mouth. Starting to get thirsty, I grabbed the water bottle but it was empty.

"Dang, I almost hit the jackpot." I said as I wiped my hand on my jeans to get rid of the dog food crumbs and slobber.

Putting everything back in the duffel bag, I headed to the stores. I had decided to go fill up the water bottle at a drinking fountain.

Eventually, I got outside the forest and looked for a store. Then, finding a mall I knew there had to be water fountains there. Jazz wouldn't be able to be allowed in so I went to Petco.

"Hello." A man said as he stood by the door.

I waved and he handed me a coupon.

"Thanks." I said as I walked toward the water fountain.

Looking around, I grabbed the water bottle quickly and started to fill it up. Then quickly shoved it back in my bag. Before I left, I got a quick drink so I wouldn't have to use all the water in the bottle yet.

Knowing I should buy SOMETHING, I looked at some leashes. I found one for cheap. As I went over to the counter, I saw some ferrets scratching their cage. Poor ferrets don't have a home but I can't just buy a bunch of ferrets.

"Did you find everything?" The man at the counter asked.

"Yeah." I said as he rang up the leash.

"Go ahead and take one of those for your dog." The man said pointing to a little bucket with dog treats in it.

"Oh, thanks." I said as I picked a treat for her.

I gave him 5 dollars and waited for my change. While I waited, I put the treat in my hand and fed it to Jazz. Jazz happily chomped on the treat and swallowed it.

"Here's your change." He said handing it to me.

Quickly, I counted it because I have to save every penny. After I finished counting, it was the right amount. As I walked out of the store, I waved at the man at the door and smiled.

"Thank you for shopping at Petco!" He said as he smiled back.

Once I was out of the store, I grabbed the leash and put it on Jazz. Then I shoved the change into the bag.

As I walked with Jazz attached to the leash, I had a pain in my heart. You may think I'm crazy but I love Frank and really miss him. He was there for me. We may have had our ups and downs but I really miss him.

Once I reached my makeshift bed, I tied the leash to the tree and laid down. Jazz came over to me and laid beside me.
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