Apple : Chapter 22

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Lexi's POV

I woke up in pain, like usual.

"24, training time!" The man yelled at me.

Standing is hard to me, I'm sure they are taking advantage of me while I'm knocked out.

"24, GET UP!" The same man yelled at me.

Trying to stand, I failed. The man rolled his eyes and opened the cell door. As he walked over to me, I realized Isabella isn't back yet. She should be back today. I think, I haven't really been able to keep track of the days. I just sleep and figure it is the next day...

"Okay, try to stand up." He said as he grabbed my arm.

I stood but almost fell although the man grabbed my other arm. He threw me over his shoulder and walked out of the cell.

Isabella was no where in sight... Where is she? I hope she escaped... she doesn't deserve this... actually none of these girls deserve this. That's when I was cut off by my stomach growling.

The man chuckled when he heard it. As he kept walking, he went into a door that has a little cafeteria in it. He set me in a seat and I looked around at the skinny girls picking at their food.

"Here, eat." He said as he put a paper plate in front of me.

The plate contained a weird mush and an apple. I grabbed the spoon and tasted the mush. Gross, don't try it. Spitting it out, I grabbed the apple. As I ate, I remembered Isabella. Her body was small and frail. She must not have ate much like all of these girls. Finishing my apple, the man grabbed my plate and threw it away.

"Let's go." He said as he got ahold of my arm.

We walked in the direction to my cell until we heard a scream from another cell. The man quickly picked me up and headed towards the scream. The intercom went off and said to go to cell 15. Then arrived at cell 15 and set me down. This is my time to leave. Before heading off, I looked at a girl in the cell. She was pregnant...

Quickly, I ran off the best I could. All of the men were there and I went through all the doors. Finally, it was the last door although there was a gaurd. Great...

"Hey, get back in there!" He yelled as he rushed towards me.

Hearing the screams of a baby, I went under his legs and out the door. Running in one direction, there was no where to hide. It was just a flat land with no trees, nothing. I kept running although it looked as if there was no hope. Looking back, the guard was close behind me. Running, I felt a stinging sensation on my foot. Looking at it quickly, he threw an object at me. I looked behind me and saw the man running after me and a baton on the ground. He threw a freaking baton...

"Get back here!" He yelled.

All of a sudden, I was tackled to the ground by the man. The man reached behind him and grabbed something from his back pocket. He pulled it in front of him and pulled off the top. I struggled but I couldn't get out from between his legs. He sunk the needle into my skin and got off me. I know it was hopeless but I got up and went to run only to fall over. The guard grabbed my lifeless but still awake body. I wasn't sleeping, but couldn't move. Trying to move my mouth to talk, nothing came out.

"You shouldn't have ran..." The man said mysteriously.

He walked back to the building and I'm sure I'll be here forever...

"Darrin!" The man yelled.

A man, I guess Darrin, came over and took me in his arms. Darrin walked down a hallway and went into a door. It was the cell with a bed in it. Great, back to where I started.

"Stay there this time. Oh wait you have no choice!" He said mocking me.

You don't know how hard I wanted to slap his smirk off his face!

"He will be right with you." Darrin said before leaving.

After he left, I looked around the cell because I couldn't do anything else...

"Oh, 24. Why run?" A new man asked me.

Of course, I didn't say anything.

"You know that calls for a punishment..." He said as he walked towards me.

Hearing about a punishment, scared me because I have no idea what that means.

"Too bad you have to be awake for this... this time." He said as he took off his shirt.

He looked at me with hungry eyes and I HATED it every second. Quickly, he grabbed my sweatshirt (that was Isabella's) and unzipped it. His eyes roamed me and I wanted to reach up and slap him. I couldn't do anything... I had to sit there while he did this.

"Well, well, well. 24..." He said tracing the tattoo.

Usually I would flinch although I didn't feel the pain as much. He slid my pants off while I was stuck in my thoughts. I started getting a feeling in my mouth. Trying to talk, it came out as gibberish but that didn't stop me.

"Get ogffff maeeee!" I yelled.

I could tell he knew what I said and ignored my request.

"HALLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!" I screamed hoping someone would help me.

No one came. No one cared. I was alone with no one to help.

He did as he wanted and left. I was left alone with a blanket over me and cuffed to the bed. Please, Isabella help me. She is the only one that can help me. My fate is in Isabella's hands.

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