The Truth : Chapter 8

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Jenny's POV

The plane finally landed and we're in Louisiana. (They wanted to put him in the Louisiana jail.)

"Are you able to get to your house or do you need someone to drive you?" An officer asked me.

"I need a ride." I told him.

"Okay, let's get you home then." He said.

He led me to a police car and we got in.

"Do you know where my daughter is?" I asked him not wanting to wait to see her.

"Um... she was kidnapped. We think." He says.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" I yell.

"Yeah, someone named Frank." He said.

"Well then go find my baby!" I say furiously.

"We are doing all we can." He says.

"Yeah, right..." I say.

It was silent until he arrived at my home. Walking in the door, I had a flashback.

He beat me here. Then knocked me out there.

After remembering the horrible memory, I went to Alexis's room. When I got there, I saw her phone in the hallway. That was were he was chasing her... Picking up the phone, I saw a text from an unknown number.

I'll come and help. Don't worry, Isabella.

Confused, I looked at the texts. Oh my gosh. Frank. Quickly, I texted back.

Give me my daughter back!

I can't believe Frank would take her. Oh Alexis...

Lexi's POV

Still in the small space, I put the pictures back in the box. These pictures were all of Isabella, the real one.

"Isabella, please." He said.

I could hear him looking around and knew I would have to switch hiding spots soon. Hearing him go up the stairs, I quietly opened the small door and saw the mess. There was stuff flipped everywhere. Knowing he would be back soon, I had to find a spot. I saw a recliner that was flipped and I opened the flap and got inside. (It was a big recliner.)

"Isabella???" Frank yelled as I heard him go down the stairs.

I ignored him and tried to quiet my breathing.

"Isabella, please. I have your birth certificate. It shows I'm your father." Frank said.

When he said that, I was half tempted to pop my head out and look at the certificate but I knew it wouldn't be a good choice.

"Isabella, I know you are somewhere in this house and you might as well come out now." He said.

I didn't answer but listened to him.

"Isabella, I want to show you the certificate. We need to talk." Frank said.

I didn't answer him. I heard him moving stuff and I realized he was fixing the furniture. Crap. I heard a loud bang and I figured it was the couch. He would soon flip the recliner. Then I was being moved.

"Damn, this is heavy." He said as he flipped it and I fell into a sharp bar.

I winced in pain and bit my lip from screaming. There was a bar in my arm...

"Isabella?" Frank said.

I hoped he doesn't know I'm in here. Then, I saw light when the flap opened.

"Oh my gosh. Isabella." Frank said as he went to pick me out of the recliner.

"Stop!" I yell.

"Isabella." Frank said trying to convince me to come out.

"I have a freaking bar in my arm!" I yell at him.

"Come out, I'll fix it." He said.

"No, I would rather stay in here and die."I said feeling warm liquid traveling down my arm.

"Isabella, look." Frank said as he handed me a paper.

It was my birth certificate. At the top it says... Mother: Jenny Scott and Father: Frank Varques. My eyes went wide.

"I took you away from Mike because I knew he was beating your mother. And your mother never let me see you. She found another man and had you believe he was your father." He said.

"You're kidding." I said not believing any of this.

"No, I'm afraid I'm not." Frank said.

"Okay, help me out." I said.

Frank carefully pulled my out and got the bar out of my arm. Picking me up, he set me on a chair.

"Thanks." I said to Frank.

"For what?" He asked.

"For the truth." I said looking down at my feet.

Frank came back over and grabbed my arm.

"This is going to hurt..." Frank said.

"Go for it." I said bracing myself.

"Ahhhhhh." I said in pain.

"Sorry." Frank said.

He put a bandage on my arm and looked into my eyes.

"It wasn't that bad." He said.

"Why did my mother not want you in my life?" I asked him.

"She didn't think I was going to be a good father... but look at your stepfather... he wasn't very good." He said smiling.

I chuckled a bit at the remark but was still confused on one thing.

"If I am your daughter, why did you change my name to your other daughter's name?" I asked him.

"I really loved Isabella and I still do. When she died in the fire, I was heartbroken. I remembered you and went to check on you. I saw your father beating Jenny and I knew I had to save you. Once I did, I changed your name because I didn't want them taking you back." He said.

"Wow." I said trying to process that.

"Yeah." He said grabbing my hand.

"Why did you name me Isabella Rosalina Varques?" I asked him.

"Because I miss her and wanted you to fill the void." He said.

"Oh. So when you look at me and say you love me, it isn't to me... it is to Isabella?" I say to him.

"You are Isabella." He said.

"No, I'm not. I'm Alexis Grace Scott." I said hoping he wouldn't beat me.

"Say that again..." Frank said furious at me.

"My. name. is. Alexis. Grace. Scott." I said with pauses in between each word.

"You asked for it!" Frank yelled as he picked me up and carried me up the stairs.

Wait, the chains are in the basement... why are we going to the bedroom?

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