Gifts :Chapter 38

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Lexi's POV

"Lexi!" Isabella yelled to me.

"What?" I asked startled.

"We're here." She told me and I looked outside to find a home with two women standing outside.

Petting Jazz, I opened the door and lead Jazz out. Once she was out, I walked to where Samantha and the women were talking.

"This is Lexi and she's Isabella." Samantha said pointing us out.

"Hi." I greeted them.

"Hey, I'm Katie and this is my wife, Trina." One of the women said.

"Nice to meet you." I replied to them.

They smiled and looked down at Jazz who was on the leash.

"And who is this?" Trina asked me.

"Jazz." I told them and felt Isabella set her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey." I said to her.

"You girls can go inside, Trina will show you where to set your stuff." Katie said to us.

I nodded and Trina started walking so I followed along. Looking over, Isabella had both bags in her hands.

"Here, give me one." I told her.

She handed me a bag and I carried it to the door. Looking around, there were various trees and green grass on the ground. Trina opened the door and held it for us as we went inside.

"It's beautiful!" Isabella said looking around.

"Thank you, we try and keep it really clean." Trina told her.

As we admired the view of the house, Trina kept walking. Rushing to keep up, we went into a room that had two beds. It was a pretty large room and had a walk in closet. Now this is a roomy room.

"Like it?" Trina asked smiling like she already knew.

"Yeah, it's great." Isabella replied.

Setting the bags on the floor, we went to return to Samantha and Katie. Walking out, we saw them in the living room beside the door.

"Are you girls set? Do you need help with it?" She asked.

"No thanks, we got it." Isabella replied smiling.

"Alright, well I will be going. You girls still have my number?" Samantha asked us.

We nodded our heads and gave her a goodbye smile. Samantha waved back and exited the house.

"You girls can go unpack unless you want to wait." Katie suggested.

"We'll go unpack." I said giving a slight smile.

Walking back to the room, I grabbed a light bag and moved it in the closet. Isabella brought the other bags and set them in the closet. As we started putting the clothes in the closet, I closed the door and let Jazz check out the room. Jazz started to sniff around the room and then laid on a bed watching us.

"Here." I said as I handed Isabella one of her shirts that was in my bag.

She grabbed the shirt and hung it up on a hanger. As I put more clothes on hangers, I heard the door creak open. Looking over my shoulder, it was Katie.

"Hey." Isabella said and hung a hanger in the closet.

"I'm just letting you know, we have to get some stuff from town, and I wondered if you girls would like to go or stay." Katie asked.

Looking over at Isabella I made a face that let her know I wasn't in the mood to go.

"Thanks for offering but I think we are going to unpack and I don't think Lexi is feeling well." Isabella said for us.

I thanked her in my mind that she handled it without being rude.

"That's alright... we will be back in two hours or so." Katie told us.

"Okay." Isabella said and smiled.

Slightly smiling at Katie, she closed the door.

"Lexi." Isabella said.

"What?" I asked.

"Why didn't you want to go?" She asked.

"Partially because we need to unpack and I just don't want to go anywhere right now." I replied.

"Okay." She shrugged and put an empty bag under the hanging clothes.

Sighing, I went over and sat on a bed which Jazz is sitting on.

"Jazz claimed it already... which means that one is yours." Isabella told me smiling.

Smirking at her, I laid back and pet Jazz's head. Jazz licked my hand and put her head on my stomach. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Isabella walk over to her bed and just collapse right on it.

"Tired?" I asked her.

"Mmhnm" She mumbled with her face on the blanket.

Shutting my eyes for a couple minutes, I fell asleep.

"Stop!" I yelled at a boy.

He looked to see if the teacher was in the room... seeing there was no teacher, he leaned over and punched me.

I was shocked at his rude actions and wanted revenge. Grabbing a pencil, I stabbed him hard making the pencil pierce his skin. He quickly grabbed his arm and glared at me with envy. Suddenly, he had a knife raised and aiming for my stomach. Quickly, he brought the knife down. Screaming, I felt pain.

Awoken, I saw Isabella standing over me.

"Wake up... Katie and Trina are home." She told me.

Raising my hand up, she helped me up and Jazz moved her head. Now standing, Isabella and I went out of the room to see them. Jazz followed behind me as we made our way outside.

"How was town?" Isabella asked Trina who was carrying a couple bags.

"It was alright, just some errands." She said setting the bags inside.

Isabella grabbed some bags from Katie and we all went inside to unpack the groceries. As they put some food in the refrigerator, Jazz was shoving her face in a bag.

"Oh, I see she found the treats... you can give her one." Katie said.

I picked up the bag and took the treats out. Opening the dog treat bag, I gave her a treat and she happily munched on it.

"Where do you want the rest?" I asked them.

"You can put them in that cabinet." She said pointing.

I walked over and put them on the cabinet. They got all the groceries put away except one bag.

"Oh yeah, we got you girls something." Trina said pulling two small boxes out of the bag.

"We got you girls some new phones so you can contact us if needed." Katie said giving each one of us a box.

We each held a box and opened it to reveal a smart phone.

"Thanks." We said thanking them.

"We'll help you set them up." Trina said walking over to us.

We all sat down at the table and set the phones up while Jazz sat under the table.

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