Father? : Chapter 3

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Frank's POV

As I put the rag on her nose and mouth, she finally passed out and slumped in the seat. It was so she wouldn't know where we go and then she can't escape.

"I love you, Isabella." I say to her smiling and holding her fragile hand.

Driving down the road, I decided to leave to California because it is far away from our home state, Louisiana. California also has many people so it would be easier to hide.

Lexi's POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache.

"Mom?" I say as I look over at the driver.

"Sorry, it's dad." Frank says.

I forgot he freaking kidnapped me... my bad.

"You're not my father." I told him.

"Yes, I am. You must have forgotten." Frank said.

"Forgotten what?" I ask wanting his explaination.

"I'm your father. Your name is Isabella." Frank said still driving.

"I'm not. What makes you think that?" I asked watching for signs to know where we are going.

"You look and act exactly like her. You are going to be Isabella." Frank said.

"You can't change my name!" I yell at him.

"But I am your father so I can." Frank says.

"No, my father is Mike." I say.

"No, Mike is your stepfather. Your mother is Jenny... but I'm your biological father." Frank said.

I thought to myself... he can't be... but he looks like me. He has black hair and the same shape of face.

"Prove it!" I say.

"Fine, I'll get a copy of your birth certificate and show you that you are my daughter." Frank said.

"I dare you." I say not believing him.

"I'll accept that dare." Frank said smiling.

I looked away from him and at my purple hand.

"I'm sorry about that. You know I might forget my own strength." Frank says.

"No, I don't know." I said getting mad he was calling me Isabella.

"You do know because you are Isabella." Frank said.

"No, I'm not. Who is Isabella?" I ask confused.

"My daughter." He says.

"I'm not your daughter." I say.

"Yes, you are. Your mother didn't want me in your life." Frank said.

"Prove it." I demanded.

"See you act exactly like Isabella." Frank said smiling.

I realized I would have to make a drastic change to my appearance and personality to become Lexi to him.

"Well, the world sucks." I say trying to act different.

"Isabella, what are you doing?" Frank asks me. Me as in LEXI.

"I am being myself. I have a horrible life, I'm depressed, and I love music." I say trying to act the exact opposite of this Isabella.

"You are so Isabella." Frank said as he stopped the car and pulled into a house surrounded by a forest.

"No, I'm not. You are a freaking kidnapper." I say to him.

"I love you and I need to protect you." Frank says.

"I'm not Isabella." I say.

"Yes, you are. Your mother changed your name." Frank said.

"Quit freaking lying." I yell at him.

"Okay, you caught me on that one." Frank said as if he didn't just kidnap me.

I roll my eyes and get out of the car. Seeing a forest, I remember only seeing trees for a while.

"Okay, Isabella. Right this way." Frank said as he brings me inside a regular house.

Looking around, I saw a fully furnished house with stairs to go upstairs.

"Isabella, your room is upstairs." Frank says as he pointed to the stairs.

"No, my room is in Louisiana!" I yell at him as I run up the stairs.

Finally, I reach the top and go into a room with a sign on the door saying Isabella in pretty writing. I roll my eyes and go through the door. Walking in, I see a bed, dresser, and a bathroom. I open the drawers to the dresser and see a bunch of clothes that are my size and style. I'm so confused. Going back over to th bed, I sit on it and think.

He picked me because I look and act like his old daughter. What happened to her that he needs me? He cannot be my father but I can believe he will change my name. Can't he just get some therapy? Dang.

"Isabella?" Frank yells for Isabella, not me.

I will not answer him unless he calls me Alexis or Lexi. So ha. Then, I hear footsteps come closer and closer to my door.

"Isabella, you need to get ready for bed." Frank says.

"You said your daughter is named Isabella. Who is she? Did she die?"I ask him.

"I lost her in a house fire." Frank said.

"Then get some therapy and let me go."I blantly say to him.

"Can't do that. I love my daughter and I found her." Frank said going over to me.

"I'm not your daughter!" I scream as loud as possible.

"Say it again and you will regret it." Frank says.


"You asked for it." Frank said as he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I scream.

Frank ignores me and goes downstairs with me still on his shoulder. Looking at the floor and walls I see chains attached to the wall. I knew what was happening now.

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