Mark Pliar : Chapter 27

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Lexi's POV

As I walked in the door, Jazz walked in behind me.

"Don't tell." I said to Isabella.

She nodded and walked. I looked into the living room and saw Frank with a bandaged hand and a beer in another hand.

"You arre finnaally bback?" Frank said slurring his words.

"Yeah." I simply answered.

Frank walked toward me and Jazz stepped in front of me.

"Grrrrrrrrr!" Jazz growled.

"Oh, gettt outta hherrre!" Frank yelled at Jazz.

Jazz didn't back down and Frank scowled at her.

Quickly, I picked Jazz up and ran up the stairs. Isabella was following behind me.

"Heyyy, gettt backkk herere!" Frank yelled.

We all went in the bathroom because it is the only room with a lock. As I locked the door, Isabella spoke up.

"What is wrong with him?" She asked.

"Him and alcohol doesn't mix well." I said.

I sat on the toliet and Isabella sat on the side of the bathtub. Jazz laid on the rug facing the door, ready to attack.

"Are you sure we should have come back?" I asked Isabella.

She frowned and I shrugged my shoulders. We are already developing our unspoken language.

"GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE!" Frank shouted at us as he pounded on the door.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Isabella.

"I don't know..." She replied.

"Well you're the older one!" I said.

"What? By like how many months?" Isabella questioned.

"Um, my birthday is September 11." I replied not knowing her birth date.

"Oh, so like three months... wow." Isabella replied.

"Still, you got three more months of wisdom." I said hoping the door would hold.

"Well..." She started.

"Well, what?" I questioned.

"We could open the door and-" She said but I cut her off.


"You didn't let me finish. We could open the door and make a beeline for the front door." She finished.

"Well, maybe... if you want to risk DEATH!" I said.

"Are you coming with me or not?" She asked.

"Finnnnnneeeeee...." I breathed out.

She got up from the tub and grabbed Jazz. Getting up, Jazz gave me a look of utter fear.

"Okay, on 3." Isabella said.

"Okay." I confirmed.

"1,2." She started.

I felt my heart pounding and I felt as if it was going to explode.

"3!" She finished as she threw open the door and quickly got past with Jazz in her hands.

Frank stood in front of me and blocked my way... SHIT.

"Isabella!" I screamed.

Frank threw a punch on my cheek and I felt something wrap around my wrist.

"Let's go!" Isabella yelled.

She pulled me out with amazing strength that I wouldn't expect from her.

"GET BACK HERE!" Frank yelled as he ran after us.

We kept running and got to the door. Isabella was stopped by a hand and Jazz jumped from her hands. Frank started throwing punches but stopped when Jazz bit his leg. This gave us some time.

"Isabella, run!" I yelled.

Jazz kept ahold of Frank's leg and didn't let go. As I helped Isabella up, Frank bent down to try to unattach Jazz from his leg. Isabella stood up and Jazz quickly snapped her head back and bit his face leaving it gushing blood.

"Jazz, come on!" I yelled and we all scrambled out the door.

Looking back, Frank started to run after us but couldn't catch up due to his leg.

"Jazz!" I called and she came right to me.

I quickly picked her up in my grasp and put my arm around Isabella's waist to help her stay up. Then I heard an engine start. Frank is now chasing us in his truck...GREAT.

"Isabella, we need to get help." I told Isabella.

"I know... he will catch us though." Isabella said.

I picked up speed as I was close to running on the sidewalk while carrying a dog and person. Frank was right beside us and was waiting for the perfect chance to tackle us.

"Lexi?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Yeah?" I said confused.

Then I saw him... it was the man who saved me from Frank...

"Yes, please help me. He is attacking us and drunk!" I yelled even though he was right in front of me.

"Where is he?" The man asked.

I looked on the road and he was gone.

"He was just here." I said confused.

"Let's get you two to the hospital." He said as he grabbed Isabella's waist to help her.

He led us to his car and set us in.

"I thought he was in prision..." The man said.

"Well....." I said hoping he would drop it.

"Well, what?" He asked.

Dang it, I was hoping he wouldn't ask.

"Well, at first he was trying to save me from my mother but then... now he is drunk and violent with us." I replied.

"Oh." He said.

"So, what is your name?" I asked him.

"Well, my name is Mark Pliar." He said which made me chuckle.

"Like... the youtuber? Markiplier..." I said in between laughs.

"Okay, okay. No making fun of it... it's a good name..." He said grinning.

"Sorry, just he is one of my favorite youtubers..." I said still smirking at my youtuber reference.

"No problem..." He said as he pulled into the hospital.

We got out of the car and brought Jazz with us. Mark carried Isabella since she was tired and weak.

"Hey, I need these two taken care of." Mark said to the lady at the desk.

"No, I'm fine." I refused.

"No, really." He said.

"No, I'm good..." I refused again.

If I did get checked on, he might figure out I'm pregnant... I don't want ANYONE knowing... (Except Isabella of course.)

"Okay, just Isabella then." He said.

The lady led us to a room and Mark sat Isabella down gently.

"Hello, I'm the doctor... what happened to her?" The doctor asked.

Mark looked at me expecting me to say something.

"Well, our father beat her and now she is here." I simply answered.

"Okay, then." He said.

He started to examine her for any broken bones as Mark and I waited.

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And yes... I just put Markiplier in my story.

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