Ducks : Chapter 5

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Lexi's POV

I awoke to so much pain, my whole body was aching and throbbing. Looking around, I saw the basement I was locked in yesterday. Why didn't I just stay asleep forever?

"Morning, Isabella." Frank said.

"I'm not Isabella!" I weakly yell.

"But you are. I changed your name. Your name is now Isabella Varques." Frank said to me which made me furious.

"Why did you do this?" I say.

"I did that to Alexis. Now you are Isabella so you won't be punished as Isabella. If you say your name is anything but Isabella, Isabelle, or Izzy, you will pay for it." Frank says.

"Fine." I say giving in because I don't want anymore beatings.

"What's your name?" Frank asked.

"Izzy." I say going with the one that is the most different version of Isabella.

"No, I call you Izzy! What is your name?" Frank asked me again.

"Isabella." I say weakly.

"Good, let's go, Izzy." Frank says to me.

"I'm chained." I say as I look at my red wrists.

"Oh yeah, my bad." Frank says as he comes over and takes them off with a key.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically.

"I knew Isabella would have a teenager's attitude!" Frank says.

I roll my eyes at him and I want to stab him so bad right now.

"Ha ha ha." Frank laughs because he saw me roll my eyes.

Trying my best not to kick him, I failed.

"Hey, missy!" Frank said after I kicked him.

"Get back here!" Frank yelled as I ran away.

Going up the stairs, I look for a weapon as I reached the top floor. Looking around, I remembered the lock on the basement door. The lock needed a key so I lost hope in that so I looked for a weapon again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glass vase. Quickly, I grabbed it and heard Frank come out of the door.

"Isabella, get back here!" Frank yelled.

I knew I couldn't overpower him but I can't just give up.

"Isabella, put that down and get back here." Frank said.

"Gladly." I said dropping the glass vase to the floor.

The vase shattered into pieces and Frank just smiled at me. What the hell??? I just broke his freaking vase and now he is just smiling.

"I'll clean it up." Frank said.

"Well I'm not." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Frank asks innocently.

"Nothing." I say annoyed at him.

"Okay." He said as he grabbed a dust pan and broom.

He started to clean the mess and I walked to the kitchen.

"Whatcha looking for, Izzy?" He asks me.

I ignored him since my name is not Izzy, Isabella, or Isabelle.

"Isabella Rosalina Varques!" Frank says apparently thinking that's my name.

"What?" I ask him.

"What would you like to eat? I can make it for you." Frank said.

"Nothing, I don't want you to make it." I said annoyed.

"What?" He said angrily.

I knew I made a mistake and I would have to fix it.

"I want to cook it myself... if I need to cook." I said.

"Awwww..... my little girl is growing up." Frank says.

I look at him with an expression that says really? and seriously? Apparently he ignores my expression and keeps cleaning the mess. Looking in the cabinets, I see nothing good so I grab a granola bar.

"Hey, you can't just eat that for breakfast." Frank says.

"Why?" I ask annoyed.

"Because it's not enough. You need to stay at your healthy weight." Frank says.

I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to snoop.

"Isabella!" Frank yells.

"WHATTTTTT??????" I yell about to slap a Frank.

"Come eat!" He yells.

I walk down the stairs and he pulls me to the table. Looking at Frank, I see he is making some eggs. After he finishes cooking, he puts a LOT of food on my plate.

"Eat." He says.

"I can't eat all of that." I say.

"Well try!" He says.

"Do you have a dog?" I ask.

"No, why? We can get one if you want. Anything for my Isabella." He says.

"No reason. But I'd love to get one." I say as my hope of not eating the eggs goes out the window.

"Okay, I'll go find one soon." He says.

"Great. Can you answer one more question?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says throwing away the glass and putting the dustpan and broom back in their spots.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

"Oh, I never told you did I?" He said.

"No, you never told me." I say.

"California." He said.

"Oh, do you think we could ever go somewhere?" I ask him hoping we can so I can escape.

"Why?" He asks.

"For daddy, daughter time." It killed me to say it but I had to get him to take me some where.

"I guess I can figure something out." He says smiling.

"Good." I say.

"Now eat!" He said.

I ate as much food as I could and I still had half a plate of food still.

"I can't eat anymore." I said.

"Eat it!" He yells.

"No." I say.

He walks over to me and shoves the food in my mouth. I started to feel sick.

"I can't!" I yell.

"Eat!" Frank yells as he shoved more in my mouth.

I couldn't take it anymore... I threw up involuntary on the table.

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. I thought... I'll get you something." He said as he got up and in the process took his hands off me.

Quickly, I took my chance and ran upstairs.

"Isabella? Where did you go?" He yells.

I ignored him and found a room with a bed and a lock on the door. Wow, okay this is camp then. I close the door, lock it, and sit in the bed playing some games in my mind. One game is that I like to estimate how many of something will fit in a room. I started counting how many ducks could fit in here.

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