Revenge : Chapter 7

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Jenny's POV

I went in our room and looked under the bed. Finding the shoebox, I grabbed the phone from it.

"Yes." I whispered quietly.

Turning it on, I called 911.

911, What's your emergency?
Hey, it's Jenny-

Mike walked in and I didn't want to get caught so I had to fake that it was his mother.

Can you bring Mike some medicine?
Ma'am this is 911, do you have an emergency?
Is the person in the room?
Okay, we will send people there. We will track the phone. Do not let the phone break.
Okay, thanks Linda.

"Linda said she will bring the medicine." I told Mike.

"How does she know what kind?" Mike asked getting suspicious.

"My friend, Dianne, is going to get the medicine and make sure it is the right kind." I said to him hoping he would believe it.

"Okay, when will-" Mike said before he ran to the bathroom again.

I smiled knowing everything would be okay. Going down the stairs, I went to the bathroom door.

"You should drink water. It will make you feel better." I said.

"Can you get me some then?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as I went to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass put water in it and stirred some more drops in. Then I walked back to the door with the cup.

"I have your water." I said to him.

"Can you give it to me?" He said.

I opened the door, plugged my nose, and gave him the glass. Quickly I closed the door, got away, and then breathed. I still had the phone in my hand making sure it wouldn't break since it is my only hope right now. I would have to wait since we are in Hawaii...

After about five hours, I heard a plane. Mike was in his room sleeping and I hoped he wouldn't wake up. Hearing the plane louder, I knew he would wake up. He came down the stairs.

"Is that my mother?" Mike asked in a feeble way.

"Yeah." I said lying.

"Okay, can you go get the medicine?" He asked.

"Yeah." I say going over to the door.

Opening the door, two officers came in and grabbed Mike.

"What the hell is this?" Mike yelled at me.

"Revenge." I said smiling in a sinister way.

"I will get revenge!" He yelled as they handcuffed him.

They put him in the plane and me in a different spot.

"Thank you."I said to the officer.

"No problem, it's my job." He said.

"Where is my daughter? Alexis Scott?" I asked the officer.

"I don't know. That's a different station." He said.

"Okay." I said as I waited for the plane to get back to Louisiana or at least any other state except Alaska or Hawaii.

We were flying over the ocean and I thought of Alexis. I hope she hasn't worried about me. I just can't wait to see her.

Frank's POV

I was worried about Isabella so I went back up to her room.

"Isabella, open the door." I said as I lightly knocked on the door.

She didn't answer and that scared me so I unlocked the door with a bobby pin. Opening the door, I saw her sleeping but when I got closer I saw she was crying. I felt bad for her so I gave her a shot to make her pass out even though she was already sleeping.

"I love you, Isabella." I said to her and picked her up out of her bed.

I looked at her sad face and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Bringing her to my room, I sat her on my bed which is much more comfier. Tucking her in, I went on the other side and laid down.

Lexi's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed and felt moving. Looking over, I saw Frank.

"What the hell?" I screamed as I fell off the bed.

"Are you okay?" Frank asked concerned after he popped up from his sleep.

"NO!" I screamed at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You freaking put me in this bed with you!" I yelled at him.

"I was comforting you. You were crying." He said.

"No, I was sleeping!!!!" I yelled at him.

"Because I comforted you to sleep." He said.

"No, you gave me a shot!" I yelled at him knowing it because I had a small mark on my arm and a headache.

"Yes, but only-" Frank said until I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it!" I said as I ran out of the room almost breaking out in tears.

"Isabella." Frank said trying to get me back into his room.

I heard Frank come down the stairs and I knew I had to hide. Looking around, I saw an opening under the staircase. Opening it, I saw a bunch of pictures of some little girl. Reluctantly, I went in the small space and closed the door quietly.

"Isabella... come talk." He said.

Ignoring him, I had the sudden urge to go and kick his ass but I knew I can't withstand his strength.

"Isabella?" Frank yelled in a panicky voice.

I'm not going to answer him so I don't know why he is calling for me. Looking around in the small space, I looked at one of the pictures. The girl had brown eyes, black hair, and was my skin color. I grabbed another picture and it was the same girl. I turned it over and it read:

Isabella 2009

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