24 : Chapter 19

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WARNING: Strong Language.

Lexi's POV

I woke up terrified... Isabella wasn't here and the man said he was training me today. I don't know what that means.

"24!" Someone yelled.

I recognized the number to be mine now.

"24, training time!" The man yelled.

He walked by my cell and stopped when he saw my number on the board.

"Lift your shirt."He said.

Reluctantly, I lifted it confused.

"Okay." He said seeing my bare stomach.

He opened the door and grabbed my arm. As he led me down the hall, I saw many terrified girls glaring at me with fear.

"Over here." He said opening a door and leading me in.

He closed the door after us and I saw a man sitting in a chair.

"24." The person who brought me here said.

The other man nodded and grabbed a tattoo gun. Oh, I'm getting a tattoo of a 24. Not what I wanted my first tattoo to be.

"Okay, come here." The tattoo man said.

I shook my head at him and he got up. As he walked toward me, he gave me an evil glare. The I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. He slapped me!

"What the fuck?!?!" I yelled at him.

"Don't cuss." He said before slapping me again.

"Fuck you." I said calmly trying to ignore the stinging feeling.

Then he connected his fist with my jaw. Wobbling, I held my jaw in pain.

"Now get your ass over on that chair!" He yelled at me.

I didn't move from my spot but stood almost falling over.

"Get over there. I'll count to 3." He said staring at me.

"1." He started counting.

"2." He said again starting to look enraged at me.

"3." He yelled.

I felt blows hit me from every angle on my body and I couldn't take it. Everything went black.

Isabella's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar home in a plush bed.

"Morning, 18." A man said putting his hand on my waist.

He was mid to late 30's and staring at me with his sinister eyes. Knowing I would get punished if I said anything bad, I answered him calmly.

"Excuse me." I said pushing his hand off and getting up with the sheet over my body.

"Get your ass back here! I have you for two days!" He yelled at me.

Walking back, he smirked at me.

"Why do you do this?" I asked him.

"You don't talk unless I tell you too!" He yelled at me.

Standing in the doorway, I could tell I had a horrified expression on my face.

"I'm sorry, 18. Just get back over here." He said as he patted the edge of the bed close to him.

I gave him an evil glare and he gasped in return.

"As much as I love the game we're playing, you need to get your pretty little ass back here." He said to me which made fire run up from my toes all the way to my head.

Ignoring his perverted comment, I looked back into the hallway.

"Don't make me send you back and get my money back..." He said to me.

"Fine." I said staying in the doorway.

He smiled but quickly realized I wasn't talking about going to him.

"Get in the car." He said as he got up throwing on some basketball shorts and a white T-shirt.

I went down the stairs and thought about escaping. Lexi, would be alone... but I could get Frank to help all the girls there and get Lexi back. Knowing what decision to make, I ran down the stairs. The man, I call asshole number 2, didn't suspect anything fishy because he must have assumed I'm just mad. He is so wrong.

"Iz, let's talk this out." He yelled to me up the stairs.

I looked at him and grabbed the car keys that were convinently located on the table beside the door.

"No." I said so he thinks I want to go back.

Slowly, I went out the door but rushed to the car so he didn't suspect anything while I was in the house. Quickly, I turned the key in the ignition and hoped my driving wasn't too rusty. As I pulled out of the driveway, I saw asshole 2 run out.

"Get back here!" He yelled.

The anger overpowered my actions and I kinda backed up into him. Hey, he deserved it! Quickly, I felt another crunch as I ran back over him. He was 100%, hands down dead. Driving down the road slowly, I opened the console. There was a small pistol and a phone. Picking up the phone, I called the number that has got me through all this crap. I pulled into a small gravel driveway and called Frank.

This may seem crazy but I'm your daughter.
Lexi? Where are you?
No, it's Isabella.
What kind of sick prank is this? Jennifer???
No, I'm serious. Dad, listen to my voice.
Isabella? Where are you?
Well I just escaped from my kidnappers who make money by letting people rape me.
Oh my gosh. Baby, where are you?
I am close by a man's house. I don't know where I am.
Isabella, I love you so much. After this, call 911. They can have you located.
I love you too. Bye.

I hung up the phone and called the police as I tried holding my tears back.

911, What's your emergency?
I'm Isabella Varques and I just escaped my kidnapper's who make money from having other men rape me.
Okay, I will send officers. Are you hurt?
No, but they have many other girls, like my sister Lexi Varques.
How many is many?
Well Lexi is number 24. She is the newest. So 24 girls so far.
Okay, officers are on their way.
Thank you. Bye.

I hung up the phone and grabbed the pistol.

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