Snap : Chapter 34

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Lexi's POV

I've been at this home which is I guess mine now for a couple months. My stomach has grown tremendously compared to when I first arrived here. I haven't went around James or even talk to him. I ignored him completely.

"Time for your nap." Linn said to Penny.

I smiled over at her and waved at Penny as I got up from the floor. Linn walked over to Penny and picked her up as I exited the room. Everyday, I play with Penny and she always takes a nap at this time. Walking down the hallway, I saw James at the opposite end. Quickly, I started to open my door to escape from his line of vision. Before I got inside, I felt James's piercing glare. The small hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"Lexi, Lexi, Lexi..." James said.

"Uh, y-yes." I stuttered.

"Have you gotten fat or are you just a little slut?" He asked me looking completely satisfied with his question.

I wanted to tell him the fuck off but I knew that would make it worse. Ignoring his comment, he looked frustrated at me for ignoring him.

"ANSWER ME!" He shouted at me.

Jumping at his sudden shouting, I felt my arm being tugged into my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Saving your butt!" Janet said closing the door.

Once the door was closed, Janet leaned against it.

"What the hell? I said ignore him!" She said starting to raise her voice.

"I have been.... he came to me." I argued.

"Oh, sorry." Janet replied looking guilty.

"It's fine but I'm worried about this. Do you have a phone?" I asked Janet.

"Uh, yeah." She said.

"Can I use it?" I asked.

She reached for her back pocket of her jeans and pulled out a flip phone. Handing it over to me, I grabbed it from her hand.
I started to dial Samantha's number, which I memorized in case of an emergency like this. As it rang, I imagined James getting too aggressive and hitting my stomach. Shaking the thought away, Samantha answered.

Hey, it's Lexi.
Oh, hi Lexi. How is it there?
About that, I have to leave.
One of their sons is too agressive and might hit me soon.
Which one?
Oh, yes. He does have some anger issues but just stay on his good side.
I do but he approached me.
Okay, do you want me to come there to see if it is still safe for you?
Yes, and soon please.
Alright, no problem.
Thank you.
Have a good day, Lexi.
You too, bye.
Bye Lexi.

"Thanks." I said to Janet handing the phone back.

"Yep, no problem." She said grabbing the phone back and shoving it into her back pocket.

She smiled at me and peeked out the door.

"He probably gave up and left." Janet said.

Relieved, I knew I had to be more careful to not even see him until Samantha comes. Hopefully she gets here by tomorrow...

"Well, bye." Janet said before walking out the door.

Before I knew it, I was alone. Walking over to my dresser, I started to change into some sweatpants since the mothers hate when I keep my fleece pajamas on. After sliding them on my hands ran over my growing stomach. It doesn't bother me usually but I know it will later when it's so large that I can hardly put shoes on. Smiling down at my stomach, I tried remembering good memories with Isabella and Jazz. Hopefully. Jazz doesn't miss me too much and she enjoys Josh's and Mark's company.

Lying on my bed, I waited for Penny to be done with her nap. I'll be waiting for at least two more hours. Resting my head back on the fluffy pillow, I pulled the blanket up to keep warm and become cozy. Feeling my eyes close, I snapped them back open. Lately, I've been losing sleep because I was always scared if that would be the day James confronted me again. Before I knew it, I had my eyes closed as I fell asleep.

Pain consumed my abdomen as I saw a light on the ceiling. Shifting in a hospital bed, it worsened the pain.

"Ahhhhh..." I screamed in pain.

Realizing why I'm having this pain, I heard the doctor talking to some nurses.

"Alright, just breath and relax." The doctor said to me.

Nodding my head, I controlled my breathing and relaxing my back which was tense. Relaxing as much as I could while the pain was worseninng, I took deep breaths.

"Okay, you're going to have to start to push." A nurse said.

Starting to push, I screamed in agony.

"Try to relax and just push." The nurse said again.

After pushing for a while the pain subsided. Hearing a cry of a baby, I felt the baby sat down in my arms. Looking into the babies eyes, I smiled at the baby.

"It's a girl!" The nurse said smiling down at the child slightly wriggling in my arms but then relaxing.

The pain was worth it just to see my baby in my arms.

"Look, your boyfriend is here." A nurse said as someone opened the door.

Looking over, it was James.

"NO! GET HIM OUT! NOW!" I screamed.

They ignored me as if they didn't hear me. He smirked at me and snatched my baby from my hands. My arms were weak and I could hold onto her well enough to fight back. I tried to grab her back but I couldn't. Then I heard a loud snap that echoed in my ears. Looking at the girl in his arms, her neck was snapped.

Woken up, I started to breath heavy as I tried convincing myself it was just a dream and my baby is safe still. Slowing my breathing, I looked outside my window to see it dark outside. I must have slept for a while.

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