Bullets : Chapter 29

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Lexi's POV

Awoken by the sound of banging on the door, I sat up.

"Give her back!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

"Isabella... wake up." I whispered and shook her so no one would hear us.

"What?" She asked.

"Someone is here..." I said to her.

"Okay... so..." She asked not caring.

"Open the damn door!" The voice yelled again.

Isabella's eyes went wide when she heard the voice.

"It's Frank..." She said.

Shocked, I quickly got up from the bed. Isabella tried getting up and succeed. Grabbing the home phone sitting on the nightstand, I called 911.

911, What's your emergency?
My father is going to break in and beat us again just come quick.
Will do.
Thanks bye.

Quickly, I hung up the phone and sat it back on the stand.

"Let's go..." Isabella mouthed to me.

I nodded my head and slowly opened the door to look over the edge to see the downstairs. Isabella followed and I saw Mark holding the door closed as Frank was on the other side attempting to get in.

"OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!!!" Frank yelled.

Mark didn't budge and stayed at the door. About to go downstairs, I felt an arm on my shoulder.

"Ah!" I screamed then looked back.

My heart was beating but then I just saw Josh looking ashamed.

"Sorry for scaring you but you both need to stay up here." Josh said.

"No... I have to leave... he can and will get in." I replied.

"No... he will kill you. He keeps yelling for Isabella." Josh said which broke my heart.

"Isabella?" I questioned.

"Uh... yeah." Josh said unclear of what I would say next.

Even though Frank is a horrible father it hurt me that he only wanted Isabella and not me.

"O-okay." I replied and went to go downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked.

"I don't know but I'm leaving. Isabella just stay here where it is safe." I said to her and went down the stairs.

Josh grabbed my hand and spun me back around to face him.

"Stay here." He said again.

"Why?" I asked.

"It is safe here." Josh said.

"Yeah... the police will come soon. I am leaving. You and Isabella stay here." I said taking my hand out of his. (Even though that was hard.)

Quickly, I went down the stairs and out the back door. Looking back, Josh is following me with Isabella.

"Stay back there." I said to them quietly so Frank wouldn't hear me.

"No... come back." Josh said.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Isabella screamed as she was picked up by Frank.

Frank ran as he held her in his arms and pulled a gun to me.

"Stop!" Josh yelled.

Frank took his gaze to Josh. Josh quickly pulled out a pistol and shot his shoulder so he missed Isabella.

"FUCK!" Frank yelled and dropped Isabella.

Next thing I knew, there was a gun shot. Looking down, I had a bullet hole. Tears streamed down my face as I saw Josh scramble over to me. Isabella quickly got away as a police officer ran over to Frank. The officer quickly got the gun from him and another officer came. That's the point when I looked into Josh's and Isabella's eyes as they looked at me with fear.

"Are you alright?" An EMT said running over to us.

They looked at me and I shook my head looking down at the bullet wound. The EMTs started grabbing me to load me into the ambulance as Mark walked out to us.

"Lexi?!" Mark asked panicking.

My eyes met with his for a split second then was cut off by the doors closing. The ambulance sped off down the road.

"Is this your only wound?" An EMT asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

After a couple minutes, we arrived at the hospital and they took me in. They set me on a hospital bed and hooked me up to wires.

"We are going to try to get the bullet out." One doctor said.

"O-okay." I said stuttering.

They looked at the wound near my stomach. With the child, I was terrified... there was a bullet near my kid... granted it was also one of those evil people's kid too but I don't care.. it is mine and only mine.

They started asking me questions and I would answer them but then the question I was worried about came up.

"And... are you pregnant?" One nurse asked.

"Uh... yeah." I replied and got a look from a doctor.

"You know what... it was rape so you can shut your fucking mouth!" I yelled at the doctor who thought I was slutty.

"Sorry..." The doctor said knowing he did wrong.

They all kind of looked panicky now that they know there is also a child involved.

"Okay... we are going to have to put you to sleep to get the bullet out." A doctor said.

I nodded my head and they gave me a mask to breath in the gas. Breathing in, I wondered if the child would live or not. On my last breath of conciousness, Frank, Josh, and Isabella entered the room. Isabella looked the most terrified because she knew I was pregnant.

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