Today: Chapter 39

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Lexi's POV

Today was the day, I could feel it.

"Isabella..." She slowly rose from her bed.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"It's happening." I bluntly told her.

She quickly got up and helped me out of bed.

"Trina! Katie!" Isabella yelled.

They came up quickly and immediately knew.

"Let's go, I'll get the car." Katie said.

Trina and Isabella walked with me to the car. Pain shooting up from my stomach, I grabbed Isabella's arm and squeezed.

Once we reached the car, Isabella helped me in and quickly got in herself. Trina and Katie were already in the front once we were ready.

After what felt like hours, we arrive at the hospital. Getting helped out, Katie quickly went in. In a minute or two, a nurse came out with a wheelchair. Being helped by Isabella and Trina, I sat down.

This can't be happening right now...

Now? Already?

They quickly got me into a room and helped me sit on the bed. Sweating, I could feel my stomach churning either from nerves or the baby or maybe both.

"Can I see your finger?" A nurse asked.

Giving her my finger, she put a clip on it. Setting it back down, more pain rushed over me. As everyone was in the room, the doctor came in.

"Alright, I need you to relax." The doctor said.


I heard the baby crying and it made me cry myself. One nurse came over and handed me my baby.

"It's a girl!" The nurse said enthusiastically.

I smiled looking down at my baby girl. She is so small. Looking into her blue-gray eyes, I forgot all about the pain.

"She is so beautiful." I said outloud.

Isabella came in the room with Trina and Katie following after her.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Isabella asked excited.

"Girl." I told her looking down at her.

"Awe, she is so adorable." Isabella said.

A nurse came over.

"Can I take her for a minute?" She asked.

I kissed her small forehead and handed her over to let her do her job.

"How are you feeling?" Trina asked me.

"Happy." I told her.

Katie smiled at my remark.

"What are you going to name her?" Katie asked me.

"I don't know yet." I replied thinking of it in my mind.

Sarah? No.

Emma? No.

Abby? No.

Something more unique...

Ava? No.

Not being able to think of a name, the nurse came back.

"She weighs 5.7 pounds." The nurse said handing her to me.

I smiled at her looking down at her small hands. As I held her with my right arm, I put my left hand on her hand. She gripped softly on to my pointer finger.

"Ember..." I answered.

"That's a beautiful name." Trina replied.

After a couple hours, a nurse came in my room.

"Are you ready to fill out the birth certificate?" The nurse asked me.

I nodded at her and she came over with a clipboard.


"Ember." I replied.

"Pretty, I haven't heard that name yet." She replied writing it down.

As she wrote down the name and other information, I sat with Ember in my arms.

Once all the information on the birth certificate was filled out, they were letting me go home with her.

Ember Rae Scott is her full name. I've always loved the middle name Rae.

"Ready to go?" Katie asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

After I was discharged from the hospital, we walked to the car. Looking up at the night sky, I saw one star in particular shining the brightest.

"It's already night time?" I said surprised.

"Yeah." Isabella said smiling.

Holding Ember in my arms, we arrived at the car.


Reaching the driveway, we stopped the car and got out. As we all walked in the house, I was still in a daze since I can't believe this is all real.

"Are you tired?" Trina asked me.

"Very." I told her.

Jazz cane running over and softly started smelling Ember. Smiling down at her, I petted her with my free hand. Walking to bed, I climbed in and Isabella took Ember out of my hands for me. Looking over, I saw Isabella set her in the crib Katie had got a week or so ago.

"Thank you." I said to Isabella right before I fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up, I heard crying. I knew it was coming but already? Getting up, Jazz was sitting beside the crib. Patting Jazz on her back, she moved out of my way. Picking Ember up, I went back to bed and laid down. Calming Ember down, she quickly stopped crying. Jazz softly hopped onto the bed and laid beside me. Looking down at Ember, she was fast alseep.

"This is gonna be a long night." I mumbled to myself half asleep.

Laying with my back and side to the wall, I fell asleep.

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Ember has finally made an appearance!

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