What's your name? : Chapter 4

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Lexi's POV

I was brought to his basement and I saw chains attached to the walls. Now I knew my fate.

"You asked for this." Frank said again as he sat me beside the chains.

He went to grab my wrist but I moved. It's not like it changed anything because he can over power me so he grabbed my wrist again and latches it. I hear a click as the chain bracelet latches. He grabs my other wrist and again I hear a click. Why me?

"I am punishing Alexis not Isabella!" Frank yells as he threw a punch at my stomach.

I couldn't breath because he knocked the wind out of me. The pain is unbearable but I realized that's not the end.

"Please stop!" I yell at Frank.

"You need to learn to be polite and respectful." Frank says.

"To who? The only person I'm not polite and respectful to is you and my father." I say to Frank through the pain.

Then, he throws a punch at my side. It sends pain from my side and spreads around my whole torso.

"Please." I say.

"Tell me your name." Frank demands.

"Alexis." I say.

He throws another blow but this time on my face. Right below my eye, I feel pain shoot at me and spread around my face.

"Tell me your name!" Frank yells this time.

"Lexi." I say knowing another blow was coming.

Then he throws a punch at the top of my head. More pain goes through my body. I know I can't take much more.

"Tell me your name!" Frank yells again.

"I already told you." I said in a feeble way.

Next, he uppercuts me. His fist connects with my lower jaw and my head starts to spin.

"Your name is Isabella." Frank screams and then leaves the basement.

Either I get beat everyday or pretend to be Isabella, someone I'm not.

I was still attached to the chains. The chains were rubbing against my wrists but that pain wasn't as bad as the pain all over my body now.

"Please, I miss you mom." I mumble as my eyes start to feel heavy.

I couldn't keep them open any longer. Before I closed them fully, I mumbled to myself again.

"I hope I never wake up again." I say as my eyes close shortly after.

Jenny's POV

As I awoke, I was in a very unfamiliar house or building. Pain was consuming my face.

"You're awake?" Mike asked me as he walked toward the bed I was on.

I rolled my eyes and looked around for Lexi.

"Where is Lexi?" I ask panicky.

"Don't know and don't care." He said which made me furious.

"How do you not care????" I yell at him.

"She was a MISTAKE." Frank yells which makes me get up ready beat him.

"She was not! Children are NOT MISTAKES!" I yell as I look around for a weapon.

"Well she isn't a child, she is a MISTAKE." He yelled emphasizing the mistake part.

"If you think that, you're the mistake." I say as I grab the lamp.

He looks at me and shows on his face that he could over power me. I ignored his expression and threw the lamp at him, HARD.

"You will pay for that." Mike said.

"No, I won't. " I say calmly now that some of my anger is gone.

I look down at the lamp that has a disformed stand and broken light bulb.

"But you will." Mike said.

"No!" I yell as I quickly go around him and run out the door.

I saw him run at me from the corner of my eye. As I ran, I looked for any weapons. Then I saw the front door. Before I went to the front door, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and back to the door. Trying the knob, it didn't open. It's locked... great. Holding my knife in front of me, I braced myself for Mike's wrath.

"Get back here!" Mike yelled as I heard footsteps coming closer.

He ran into the room and had no weapon.

"Baby, I love you. Put the knife down." Mike said as I saw right through his lie.

"No, you don't love me!" I yell as I see Mike lunged at me.

You thought I dropped the knife, right? Nope, I held the knife in a grip which could kill. As he lunged toward me, I ducked and sunk the knife into his leg.

"WHAT THE HELL, JENNY?" Mike yells as I grab the knife and pull it right out.

The knife is covered in his blood, I see a window and head for it still with the knife in my hand. Mike is slowly trailing behind me because he is using one leg to walk.

"GET BACK HERE, NOW!" Mike yelled but I ignored him and broke the window.

The window's glass shattered and I quickly but carefully hop out of the window and hit the ground. Looking around, I saw water. Well... shit. I tried looking for a boat or anything. I saw a boat and hopped on. I found a paddle and started to row.

"Jenny, you will die out there!" Mike yelled.

I didn't know what body of water this is and wanted to know.

"Well, where are we?" I yelled as I was away from the island.

"Hawaii." Mike yelled to me.

There has to be another island around here then.

"Please, I love you. I won't hurt you anymore." Mike yelled.

Either stay with him and later on kill him or leave and maybe die. Debating my fate, I chose to go back. Maybe I could trick him into going back to Louisiana and get him caught. Starting to row back, I saw his eyes soften. I know he is bipolar but it has been bad for the past couple weeks.

"I love you!" Mike said as I hopped out of the boat and he embraced me in a tight hug.

"I love you too." I say starting my plan for revenge.

"Let's go back inside." Mike says as he uses my shoulder to help him walk.

I know he must have a phone around here so I will snoop at night.

"Let's go fix you up. I'm sorry, baby." I said trying to pull off my act.

"Okay." Mike said as he sat on a chair.

He pointed to the first aid and I got it and started fixing his wound. The whole time, I pretended it was an accident every time I would hurt him... really it is just the start of my revenge.

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