The Note : Chapter 30

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Lexi's POV

Awoken by the sound of beeping, I saw Isabella sitting next to me.

"Isabella." I quietly whispered trying to get her attention.

"Lexi, you're finally up!" Isabella said looking excited.

"Yeah, can you tell me how it ended?" I asked referring to if my kid was alive.

"Well, they got the bullet out and you are safe." Isabella answered.

"And my kid?" I asked nervously.

"The kid is fine. The bullet hit right beside it but missed it." Isabella answered which made relief overflow me.

"Oh good." I replied.

"Yeah, but one thing bad..." Isabella added in.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Mark and Josh know you are pregnant now." Isabella confessed.

My heart fell knowing that they know now but they were going to find out eventually. At that time, Mark and Josh came in.

"Oh, good morning..." Mark joked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Josh. He had an expression on his face that I couldn't identify.

"So, how are you feeling?" Mark asked me.

"Uh, fine right now." I answered.

Mark nodded his head and sat in a chair. Josh stood by the doorway and leaned against the wall.

"You can sit..." I said to Josh who snapped his head to look at me.

I saw a smile tug at his lips but he quickly pushed it back down and sat in the chair next to Mark. The silence was very awkward until Mark broke it.

"Someone is going to come talk to you." Mark said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Someone who will find a foster family for you two." He said.

"Oh." I replied upset.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah." I answered.

Mark gave a weak smile and patted my shoulder.

"I will leave when she arrives." Mark told me.

I gave him a little nod and laid back in the bed. Laying back, I saw Mark standing next to Josh who was sitting in one of the chairs. Looking closer, I saw Josh drawing or writing on a paper. He must draw. Soon enough, a lady walked in with some papers in her hands. The lady had blonde hair and had light makeup on to accent her green eyes.

"Hi Lexi, Isabella, I'm Samantha. I am going to be your social worker." The lady said as she walked over to Isabella and I.

Mark got up and came to my bed.

"Bye, kid." He said and left my bed.

Josh came over and gave me a folded piece of paper.

"Open it later." He said then quickly caught up with Mark.

They walked out the door and left us with the social worker. It was silent and I could see Isabella was interested with what she would say.

"Well, I've heard about your girls' situation and I'm here to place you in a foster home." The lady says.

Isabella and I stayed quiet and didn't respond to her. The hospital room was silent until a man walked in. The door closed behind him and he walked to the other side of the bed. The man had dark hair and looked pretty young. He carried a messenger bag over his shoulder and wore a black shirt.

"Ma'am, you'll need to come back later. I need to question them." The man said looking over at the lady.

"Okay." She said nicely but I could tell she was annoyed about that.

She got up and smiled at me. I almost forgot to respond to her but I smiled back. She left out the door and I sat up in the bed.

"So, Lexi, when Frank had you and Isabella wasn't with you guys yet, was he nice to you?" He asked.

"Yeah, except for when he beat me once." I replied.

"Why did he hurt you?" The man asked.

"I didn't say my name was Isabella. He would tell me my name is Isabella and not Alexis." I replied.

"Oh, so when he got Isabella back, did he show any favoritism towards her?" He asked looking interested in what I would say.

"Uh, yeah. At the hospital he stayed with her and not me." I answered him.

"Okay, and I heard he was yelling at Mark Pliar for Isabella. Is that true?" He asked.

"Yeah." I simply answered him.

"And, Isabella, when you were at the hospital, did Frank ever harm you?" He asked.

"No, but when we left and came home he hit Lexi and I. He was drunk though." Isabella answered him.

"Okay, and what happened before Lexi was shot?" He asked us.

"Well, Lexi ran out of the house and we ran with her. Then all of a sudden Frank grabbed me and started to run but Josh stopped him. He shot Frank and Frank dropped me. Then he shot Lexi." Isabella summed up the event.

"Okay, thank you girls." He said after all the questions.

I smiled at him and he lightly nodded back. He opened the door and walked out of it and into the hallway. The door closed and I glanced over at Isabella.

"Well, isn't this just peachy..." I joked with her.

She smiled and rolled her eyes. I chuckled a little bit at my joke while Isabella smiled as she shook her head.

"So, are you going to open that note?" Isabella asked me curiously.

"Oh, uh yeah." I said and grabbed it from my pocket.

Fishing it out of my pocket, I pulled it out. I started to open the note and my mind raced as it wondered what it said. Finally, I got it open.

If you ever need ANYTHING, call me.

His number was wrote at the bottom of the paper. I smiled at the note and Isabella gave a huge grin. She must have read it over my shoulder...

"Awwwwwwwwwweee..." She said grinning.

"Oh, stop grinning like an idiot..." I muttered.

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