No :Chapter 31

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Lexi's POV

Today is the day I get out of the hospital. The social worker had the come the day after the detective and told us she has a foster home for us. Now, we just leave the hospital and go there.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." Isabella said to me and got up from the stool.

Her ratted hair fell and she walked out of the room. I don't think she cares but I wouldn't at this point either. As I sat, the room was silent and I thought. I've been thinking for a while every day since there is nothing else to really do. I wish I had my phone still.

"Alright, you are ready to go." A doctor said opening the door.

I smiled at him but it was forced. He came over and unhooked my arm from the machine. Isabella walked back in and was followed by the social worker lady.

"Okay, you are all set." The doctor said to me while putting wires behind the machine.

I got up from the bed and wobbled at little when standing but that's probably because I haven't stood up except for when I went to the bathroom. Isabella walked over and walked beside me as we left the room. As we walked through the hallway, I looked at all the people around who are living their lives looking as happy as can be well except for the people dying. You know like the workers and people who just got discharged from the hospital. We all walked out of the hospital and the lady led us to a car. She smiled at me and I forced a small smile back. I grabbed the door and opened it. Getting in, Isabella followed me into the back seat. It took me a little bit to get in but that's just because I'm still a little sore.

"So, who is this family?" I asked the worker when she was in the driver's seat.

"You will meet them when you get there." She replied.

Being in this car with her and not knowing where the hell I'm going is scaring me. Imagine just being taken by a stranger and drove to some random place where you have no idea what is happening. It's fucking terrifying. Looking over at Isabella, she looked a little stiff. I shivered at the situation and looked through the front windshield. There are cars driving but right now we were leaving the town and into the country. Not that I don't like the country but that's just another reason to be terrified. We went past trees on the way and I was trying to just breath in the back seat. Finally, she took a turn into a driveway. Stopping the car, I don't know if it is safer to stay in the car or get out. Against my instinct, I got out of the car and was met by some people standing there.

"Hey, I'm Danny. This is my wife, Linn." A man said smiling.

I was shocked but it was from all the kids...

"Um, I'm Lexi and this is Isabella." I replied.

"Oh, yeah. These are our kids. This is James, Jackson, Janet, Dan, Danielle, Johnny, and this little one is Penny." She said holding a small child in her arms.

Penny gave me a huge smile and laughed. Why does this kid like me?

"Uh, hi." I replied.

"Well, how about I show you your room?" The mother told me.

Isabella followed me but the mother had a disproving look plastered on her face.

"Um... is she coming?" The mother said rudely.

"Uhm, yeah. She is my sister." I replied defensively.

"Uh, Linn didn't you say you would foster both?" Samantha (the social worker) asked confused.

"No, I said I could foster one. I have seven kids already." The woman said.

"Did you want Lexi or Isabella?" Samantha asked.

"Which one Penny?" The mother asked her little girl.

The little fragile girl pointed at me and giggled.

"Lexi." The mother said like she was picking between two types of ice cream.

"No, I'm not going anywhere without my sister." I stammered.

"Lexi, you have to stay here. Foster homes are not easy to come by these days." Samantha replied.

I wanted to break down and cry but I had to stay strong to stay with my sister.

"Lexi, come on." The mother said with a sweet but also a demanding voice.

Isabella and I locked eyes and I could see she was upset. I can't leave her. She is the only one I have left for now. Jazz is staying at Mark's house.

"No." I demanded.

"Lexi, let's go." The mother demanded without sugar coating it.

"No, I'm not leaving Isabella." I almost shouted.

"Lexi, I'm going to take Isabella back to my house for now. You stay here." Samantha said.

"No." I replied feeling my eyes get saturated with tears.

I quickly held onto Isabella and wasn't going to let go.

"James and Jackson... can you get her?" The mother said.

WHAT THE HELL?DOES SHE MEAN TO PULL US APART? James and Jackson were some strong teenage boys. They headed towards me and I held on tighter.

"Don't even put your hands on me!" I shouted at them.

They both grabbed an arm and started to pull. Quickly, I pulled my foot up and kicked one... (Yeah, not the best plan but it's what I had to work with.)

"Ah!" One yelled at let go.

Oops, I kicked him in the groin... oh well. Hey, I told him not to touch me. The next boy quickly pulled my arm and I tumbled on the ground. Pain shot up from my back and I laid on the ground as I saw the boys force Isabella back in the car. Tears fell down my face as Isabella's blurry figure was forced in the car. Slowly getting up, the car already started and drove off. I started to run after the car and didn't stop until I was pulled back by the two boys. Quickly, I pulled all my weight to the ground and sat. The boys ignored it and just dragged me back to the house.

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