Illegal Love : Chapter 16

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Lexi's POV

"So, me or your mother?" He asked.

Thinking through my head, I couldn't choose.

"So, what is it beautiful?" He asked.

I looked into his dark eyes that were filled with a mixture of hope and concern. Looking at his face, I saw he was exhausted.

"Hello?" He said in my face waiting for an answer.

The 25 year old man stared at me with his dark brown eyes and sweat falling from his soaked black hair.

"Um, uh." I say.

"I'll just take you to your mother." He said rolling his eyes.

"NO!" I yell.

"Fine, are you coming with me?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah." I say hoping I wouldn't regret it.

"Great. Boys, take her to the truck. To building three." He said to the men on his side.

What did I get myself into?

Jenny's POV

After a couple of days, Alexis never came back... she is leaving me for FRANK! I scrolled down on my Facebook wall. Then, I see some shared news.

38 prisoners have escaped from the Louisiana State Prision.

I clicked on the link and scrolled down the escapees. Then, I saw it.

Mike Scott

Perfect. Mike will come here for Alexis and then he can help me find her so the police will never find out the truth about the fire. They can't know.

Mike's POV

Finally, I arrived in the city of Fresno, California after two days of driving while sleeping at night. I had to find Jenny because I knew she would be here trying to find her.

She had to be somewhere here. Driving up to some hotels, I asked the people at the desk about it.

"We can't give out that information." The man said.

If they told me this, I would set down a 100 and wait for their confession.

"Okay, I see a girl named Jenny Scott." He said.

"What is the room number?" I asked him.

He furrowed his eyebrows and I laid another 100 on the counter.

"143." He said smiling as he picked up his bribe.

As I walked to the rooms, I came across 143. Starting to knock, I heard the door click open.

"Mike?" She asked.

I gently pushed her to the side and went in.

"Where is Alexis?" I asked her.

"I don't know. She is in the forest somewhere." She said.

"Okay, I'll be back." I said reaching for the door knob.

"Wait!" She said to me.

"What?" I asked waiting to get my hands on her.

"I'll come with you." She said which surprised me.

"You do know, I'm going to hurt her right?" I asked.

"Yes, she has to die. She knows too much." She said to me and grabbed my hand.

I smiled at her and opened the door. Jenny is finally realizing what needs to happen to the mistake.

"Okay, babe. Let's go get her." I said to Jenny as she held onto my hand as we walked out of the hotel and on the sidewalk.

"Where is the forest she went in?" I asked Jenny.

"That one." She said pointing to the clusters of trees.

"Okay." I said as I walked into the trees.

Looking around, I saw nothing but then I saw a sweater laying on the ground. Jenny picked it up in her hands and put her face in it.

"What are you doing?"I ask her as she still had her face stuffed in it.

"This is her's. I know her scent." She said.

"Wow, okay. Follow the scent." I said to her amazed at her talent.

She walked in the same direction until I saw a duffel bag... she stopped in her tracks.

"What is it?" I asked her as I saw a look of shock on her face.

"This is the bag I gave her." She said as she picked it up.

I was confused on why she would dump it like that.

"She must have dropped it while running... probably from a person." Jenny said with a look of shock.

"Let's keep looking." I said to her as she put the bag over her shoulder.

We walked farther into the forest until Jenny stopped.

"This is her shirt. It's ripped." She said.

"So, what happened then?" I asked her.

"Does it look like I know???" She yelled at me.

Quickly, I dashed at her and pushed her back against a tree.

"Don't fucking yell at me!" I screamed in her face.

Letting her go, she looked around more but lost the scent and couldn't find anything else.

"There isn't anything left." She said to me.

"Well, why don't you go to the police station and turn that in. I can't go with you of course." I said to Jenny.

"Alright, you go back to the hotel... I will be back there after a bit." Jenny said.

I went with her until we hit the sidewalk where we split ways. While walking toward the hotel, I felt like everyone had their eyes on me. Finally, I made it to the hotel successfully.

Jenny's POV

While walking to the police station someone came over to me.

"Um, where did you get that bag?" The lady asked me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"I saw a teenage girl with it around here." She said.

"Where did you see her?" I asked her.

"She came to my work place and asked to borrow my phone. I let her and she called someone. Then she said her parent was outside and she went out." The lady said.

"Okay, well she ran away. If you see her again, report it to the police." I said to her.

"No problem." She said.

After talking with the lady, I arrived at the station.

"Hey, Jennifer." An officer said.

"Hey, I found some of Alexis's stuff in the forest." I said to the officer.

He grabbed the stuff from my hands.

"Okay, thank you." He said.

After finishing at the police station, I went to the hotel to go see Mike.

"Hey, babe." Mike said as I closed the door.

"Hey." I said sitting on the chair.

Mike walked over to me and lifted my head by my chin.

"I really missed you." Mike said kissing my lips.

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